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This project is no longer maintained, because we are no longer interested in OrientDB.

7bridges clj-odbp


A Clojure driver for OrientDB binary protocol.

Build Status Clojars Project


Add the necessary dependency to your project:

[eu.7bridges/clj-odbp "0.2.3"]


Driver configuration

clj-odbp comes with default settings with regard to OrientDB connection and logging.

user> (require '[clj-odbp.configure :as c])
user> @c/config
;; => {:log-level :fatal, :log-file "log/clj_odbp.log", :port 2424, :host "localhost", :log-rotation-frequency :daily}

To change the default settings, you need to use clj-odbp.configure/configure-driver.

user> (c/configure-driver {:host "my-orientdb-server" :log-level :debug})
user> @c/config
;; => {:log-level :debug, :log-file "log/clj_odbp.log", :port 2424, :host "my-orientdb-server", :log-rotation-frequency :daily}

Driver usage

Connect to an OrientDB server:

user> (require '[clj-odbp.core :as odbp])
user> (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")

Create a new database:

user> (let [connection (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")]
        (odbp/db-create connection "test-db"))

Check if a database exists:

user> (let [connection (odbp/connect-server "<username>" "<password>")]
        (odbp/db-exist connection "test-db"))

Connect to a database and create a vertex:

user> (let [connection (odbp/db-open "test-db" "<username>" "<password>")]
        (odbp/execute-command connection "create class Test extends V"))

Connect to a database and create a record:

user> (let [connection (odbp/db-open "test-db" "<username>" "<password>")]
        (odbp/record-create connection {:_class "Test" :text "test property"}))

For further details check API documentation.


The following table shows how OrientDB types map to Clojure types and viceversa.

OrientDB Clojure
boolean true, false
integer (int 42)
short (short 42)
long 42
float (float 42.5)
double 42.5
decimal (bigdec 42.5)
string "foo"
binary {:_obinary [100 101]}
date not supported
datetime (java.util.Date.)
embedded {:_version 0 :_class "Test" :name "foo"}
embedded list [0 "foo" 1]
embedded set #{0 "foo" 1}
embedded map {:name "foo" :age 42}
link "#20:1"
link list ["#20:1" "#20:2"]
link set #{"#20:1" "#20:2"}
link map {"rid" "#20:1"}
ORidBag {:_oridbag {:bag []}}
ORidTree {:_oridtree {:changes []}}


Copyright © 2017 7bridges s.r.l.

Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.