A python-based interactive visualization tool to view XPCS dataset.
To cite pyXPCSViewer:
Chu et al., "pyXPCSviewer: an open-source interactive tool for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy visualization and analysis", Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, (2022) 29, 1122–1129.
This tools supports the customized nexus fileformat developed at APS-8IDI's XPCS data format for both multi-tau and two-time correlation.
Updated 03/11/2025
It is highly recommended to set up a new virtual environment to isolate pyXPCSViewer, so it does not interfere with dependencies of your existing applications.
Install conda following the instructions at link.
Create a brand-new environment with conda:
conda create -n your_env_name python==3.10.16
Replace your_env_name with your preferred environment name.
Activate the new environment:
conda activate your_env_name
Install pyXPCSViewer:
pip install xpcs-viewer
Note: Running conda and pip commands together is generally not recommended. pyXPCSViewer will only use pip or conda once compatibility issues are resolved.
Launch pyXPCSViewer:
Activate your environment if you have not already.
pyxpcsviewer path_to_hdf_directory # Run the viewer from the hdf directory pyxpcsviewer # Run in the current directory
run_viewer, an alias to pyxpcsviewer, can also be used to luanch the viewer.
To upgrade:
Activate your environment if you have not already.
pip install -U xpcs-viewer
To uninstall:
Activate your environment if you have not already.
pip uninstall xpcs-viewer
If you want to remove the environment altogether, first deactivate it:
conda deactivate
Then remove it:
conda remove -n your_env_name --all
The integrated scattering pattern over the whole time series.
The reduced one-dimensional small-angle scattering data.
The sample's stability against X-ray beam damage. The time series is divided into 10 sections. The SAXS-1D curve is plotted for each section.
Intensity fluctuation vs. Time.
Average Tool box.
g2 plot for multitau analysis. Users can fit the time scale using a single exponential function, with options to specify the fitting range and fitting flags (fix or fit).
Diffusion analysis. g2 fitting in the previous panel is required to plot \tau \mbox{vs.} q.
Two-time correlation. Users can select two q indexes either on the q-map or on the SAXS-2D image.
Experiment condition viewer. It reads the file structure and string entries of the selected HDF file.