The mods i made for the games i like:
- The Witcher 3:
- Random Encounters Reworked, for dynamic events and randomly generated quests
- Combat Skills, for a more dynamic combat system
- Resources & Perks Overhaul, for a permissive & interactive stamina system
- Smart Camera A mod that controls the camera positioning during combat so that you don't have to manage it yourself. Mainly aimed at gamepad users.
- TW3 Modlist Manager, to manage different modlists in just a click
- TW3 Script merger, for a command-line solution to merge all your mods in a few milliseconds
- Shared Utils, for a set of utilities to craft new quests with ease
- Perk fixes Modular fixes for a few bugged perks from the game The Witcher 3
- Automatic Dialog Picker to automatically picks the dialog choice that makes the most sense
- Increased materials requirement A mod with a simple concept: make crafting more interesting while also balancing the late game economy. Click the link for more information
- Consumables on cooldowns to change how consumables work by making them free but with a cooldown
- Infinite consumables to make all your consumables infinite but with a greater crafting cost. Made with Primer or Preparations in mind
- CROW combat modules for a modular combat package that aims to be permissive by rewarding an aggressive play-style without punishing the rest
- A Gwent Empire in order to turn everyone on the continent into avid Gwent players
- Guild Wars 2:
- Guild Wars 1:
- Codex Ironman gamemode with custom ruleset based on codex arenas
- Surreal Simple Querybuilder
- lv-server A framework for working with Actix, Maud, and HTMX with a focus on developper experience
- shcs An easy to setup self-hosted bucket cloud storage with the ability to store extra information alongside the entries
- tw3-cahirp, a ansible-like solution to merging scripts when modding the Witcher 3 game
- GW1 Codex Ironman, Svelte frontend that uses github pages as hosting
Other fun little projects i made:
- modspot (work in progress) to find my other mods