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Compares two objects and returns the differences between them in different formats: changed values, changed paths, differences.

Works in Node.js and in the browser.

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$ pnpm i o2diff


import { diff, diffPaths, diffValues } from 'o2diff'

const original = {
  firstName: 'John',
  lastName: 'Smith',
  email: '',
  phones: [
    { type: 'home', value: '+12222' },
    { type: 'mobile', value: '+11111' }
const current = {
  firstName: 'Michael',
  age: 25,
  email: '',
  phones: [
    { type: 'work', value: '+13333' },
    { type: 'mobile', value: '+11111' }
  address: {
    city: 'New York',
    location: {
      latitude: 40.730610,
      longitude: -73.935242

// objects diff
diff(original, current)
  left: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    email: '',
    phones: [{ type: 'home', value: '+12222' }]
  right: {
    firstName: 'Michael',
    age: 25,
    email: '',
    phones: [{ type: 'work', value: '+13333' }],
    address: {
      city: 'New York',
      location: { latitude: 40.730610, longitude: -73.935242 }

// values diff
diffValues(original, current)
  changed: {
    firstName: 'Michael',
    email: '',
    phones: [{ type: 'home', value: '+12222' }]
  added: {
    age: 25,
    address: {
      city: 'New York',
      location: { latitude: 40.730610, longitude: -73.935242 }
  deleted: {
    lastName: 'Smith'

// paths diff
diffPaths(original, current)  
  changed: [
  added: [
  deleted: [


function diff(original: Input, current: Input): DiffResult

Returns the difference between original and current.

  • original: Input - the original object.
  • current: Input - the current (actual) object.
  • returns { left, right }: DiffResult object.

function diffValues(original: Input, current: Input): DiffValuesResult

Returns added, changed and deleted values between original and current.

  • original: Input - the original object.
  • current: Input - the current (actual) object.
  • returns { changed, added, deleted }: DiffValuesResult object.

function diffPaths(original: Input, current: Input): DiffPathsResult

Returns added, changed and deleted paths between original and current.

  • original: Input - the original object.
  • current: Input - the current (actual) object.
  • returns { changed, added, deleted }: DiffPathsResult object.

function revert(dest: Input, src: Input, customizer: (d: unknown, s: unknown) => unknown): RecordUnknown | ArrayUnknown;

Reverts dest object to src, calls customizer for each dest.path.

  • dest: Input - the destination object.
  • src: Input - the source object.
  • customizer: (d: unknown, s: unknown) => unknown) - the function that is called for each dest.path.
  • returns a record or an array.

function getPaths(obj: Input): string[]

Returns all paths of the object.

  • obj: Input - the source object.
  • returns the list of paths.

function omitPaths(obj: Input, excludedPaths: string[]): RecordUnknown | ArrayUnknown

Returns the object without excludedPaths.

  • obj: Input - the source object.
  • excludedPaths - the array of paths to exclude. The path can be with mask: *.name or name.* to exclude only path started or ended with the name.
  • returns a record or an array.


Licensed under the MIT license.


Alexander Mac


Returns the differences between two objects








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