Laravel v8.83.27 (PHP v8.1.25)
In project implemented AuthController
with appropriates
routings and auth methods.
When authorizing, the user uses the standard credentials “email”
and “password”
. In response, using Laravel's internal tools - Sanctum, the user receives a Bearer token.
After authorization, the user can see and manage only his tasks list.
In project used default laravel/sanctum
package. He is installed by default along with the project when it is created. Its advantage is that you do not need to use third-party packages to work with the jwt token
Implemented Task model, migrations, controller.
In the Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder::class
, filling in users along with tasks for them is implemented.
However, filling out subtasks is not implemented in seeders, since I decided to leave this mechanism manually
Implemented TaskController
for task management.
The controller has access only if the user is authorized middleware('auth:sanctum')
includes resource methods:
[GET] index()
[POST] store()
[GET] show()
[PUT|PATCH] update()
[DELETE] destroy()
The logic for displaying a list of all user tasks is as follows. The method index shows only all parent tasks. To see any subtasks, you need to go to the target task view.
Resource routing is implemented accordingly Route::resource('tasks', \App\Http\Controllers\Api\TaskController::class);
You can read documentation here
The project will contain some implementation of the DTO pattern help with spatie/data-transfer-object
The project includes the implementation of user roles and permissions help with spatie/laravel-permission
The knuckleswtf/scribe
package was used to generate Open Api Documentation.
clone repo
in .env set
composer install
php artisan optimize
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
docker-compose exec app php artisan optimize
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate
docker-compose exec app php artisan db:seed