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RockBLOCK Simulator
Pull oop-flight-code repo for latest changes
Select simulator environment for PlatformIO
Method 1: Hard Coded Commands (Easy) a. Navigate to the constructor of RockblockSimulator.cpp
- RockblockSimulator()
b. Use insert function to pre-define uplink commands
- insert takes a 20 character command string (0 to 9, A to F)
- Ex: insert("01000100000000000000");
c. Deploy code
d. Open Serial Monitor
Method 2: Manual Commands (Medium)
a. Navigate to the constructor of RockblockSimulator.cpp
- RockblockSimulator()
b. Make sure there are no insert commands or that they are commented out
c. Deploy code
d. Open Serial Monitor
e. Type in 20 character command string and hit Enter
- Ex: 01000100000000000000 Enter
- If you do not see “SIM INSERT: ”, make sure your serial monitor is configured for Windows line endings (CRLF = \r\n)
Class does not inherit TimedControlTask
- Could be done...would require more time to convert and need to look into how this would change the object definition (see sfr ifdef)
Whenever teensy/RockblockControlTask interacts with sfr::rockblock::serial through available(), read(), write(), or print()
- serial_check()
- Checks for new data over USB serial
- Inserts message (command) into MT queue if valid (20 chars + ENTER)
- Disregards control characters (\r, \n), consequence of using serial monitor
- serial_process()
- Looks through input send over pseudo-serial buffer
- If sequence ends in return (\r), process input
- See Commands and Responses section
- serial_check()
- Send valid responses after any serial communication from the Teensy
- Rockblock only responds after seeing the return character (\r)
- Keep track of all uplink and downlink messages
- “Manages” MO and MT cycle numbers, kind of irrelevant anyways
- Provide an interface for submitting uplink (MT) messages
- Manually: (USB) serial monitor
- Type in 20 characters, hit enter
- Automatic: provided function for unit testing
- RockblockSimulator::insert(const char* / std::string)
- Currently only supports ASCII version since we are not typing bytes, simulator checks for 20 characters so modifications would be needed for different size messages
- Ex: char[] = “0A0B0C0D0E0F01020304”
- Manually: (USB) serial monitor
- Provide an interface for receiving downlink (MO) messages
- Currently only visible in (USB) serial monitor
- respond OK
- respond +CSQ: $$
- No effect since no flow control exists anyways
- respond OK
- Saves length
- Simulator ready to receive binary message
- respond READY
Confirms checksum matches message
If correct:
- Saves message into MO variable
- Returns 0 and OK
If incorrect:
- Returns 2 and OK
- check for MT message
- pop message (if exists) into MT variable
- calculate response codes
- respond +SBDIX:
$<mo_status>, , <mt_status>, , <mt_len>, <mt_queue_len>$
- calculates checksum from MT variable
- responds $$ and OK
NOTE: specific line endings not listed, see code or Rockblock Response Data