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Reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of extrachromosomal DNA


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ec3D: reconstructing the 3D structure of extrachromosomal DNA molecules



ec3D can be installed and run on most modern Unix-like operating systems (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04+, CentOS 7+, macOS). It requires python>=3.7 and the above dependencies. To install ec3D, you will first need to download its source code,

git clone
cd /path/to/ec3D

And, then, setting up the running environment with Conda

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ec3D_env

or pip,

pip3 install .


Batch mode

The easiest way to run ec3D is running in batch mode, performing all following steps (i.e., Preprocessing Hi-C, Reconstructing the 3D structure of ecDNA, Identifying significant interactions, and Visualization), with default parameters. For custom parameter adjustments, it is best to run through individual steps.

python3 --cool <FILE> --ecdna_cycle <FILE> --resolution <INT> --output_prefix <STRING>

The only required input for ec3D is a Hi-C matrix, in *.cool format, and an ecDNA cycle, in extended *.bed format. Of course, you will need to specify the resolution to work with, and a prefix of the desired output. After a successful reconstruction, will write all default output files in the following steps into the path specified in --output_prefix.

  • --cool <FILE>, Hi-C matrix, in *.cool format. Usually cooler will organize multiple cool files with different resolutions in *.mcool format, and you will need to add a suffix ::/resolutions/<RESOLUTION> to specify the resolution you want to work with.
  • --ecdna_cycle <FILE>, ecDNA intervals, in extended *.bed (chr, start, end, orientation) format, see below for an example.
  • --resolution <INT>, Resolution, which should match the resolution (i.e., bin size) of the input *.cool file. Each ec3D run must only work with a single fixed resolution.
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output matrix files and annotation file *_annotations.bed. Note that if these file is desired to be written to a different directory, then a path/directory should also be included.

Sample run of ec3D

As a test sample, you can download the processed Hi-C dataset for D458 (a pediatric medulloblastoma cell line) from GEO, and convert it to *.mcool format:

hic2cool convert GSM7697651_D458.allValidPairs.hic D458.mcool

Then, use this ecDNA cycle below to kick off a ec3D batch run.

mkdir sample_output
python3 --cool D458.mcool::/resolutions/5000 --ecdna_cycle D458_ecDNA.bed --output_prefix ./sample_output/D458 --resolution 5000

Step 1 - Preprocessing Hi-C

Given the whole genome Hi-C (in *.cool format) and the ecDNA cycle (in *.bed format), output the Hi-C matrix corresponding to ecDNA to work on in the following steps, and the annotation of each bin at a given resolution.


python3 [Required arguments] [Optional arguments]

Required arguments

  • --cool <FILE>, Hi-C matrix, in *.cool format.
  • --ecdna_cycle <FILE>, ecDNA intervals, in extended *.bed format.
  • --resolution <INT>, Resolution, which should match the resolution of the input *.cool file.
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output matrix files and annotation file *_annotations.bed.

Optional arguments

  • --save_npy, Save output matrices in *.npy format. Note that by default, the ecDNA matrices are saved in *.txt format for easier readability, even though they are less compact.
#chr	start	end	orientation	cycle_id	iscyclic	weight
chr8	127293093	127948583	+	1	True	1.000000
chr8	127872074	128441212	-	1	True	1.000000
chr8	128505994	128527415	+	1	True	1.000000
chr8	127293093	127455873	-	1	True	1.000000
chr8	129033869	129085009	-	1	True	1.000000
chr8	127850424	127870604	+	1	True	1.000000
chr14	56593089	56794203	+	1	True	1.000000
chr14	56797826	56986857	-	1	True	1.000000
chr8	127957689	128012988	-	1	True	1.000000
chr8	128443842	128452940	+	1	True	1.000000
chr8	128458992	129085009	+	1	True	1.000000
  • The provided ecDNA structure in a cycle bed file may include duplicated segments in its records, e.g., chr8 127293093 127948583 and chr8 127872074 128441212. We refer to collapsed matrix as the Hi-C matrix where each duplicated segment occurs only one time; and expanded matrix as the Hi-C matrix representing the structure of ecDNA where all duplicated segments occur as many times as they are duplicated. ec3D will automatically process cycle files containing duplicated segments and reconstruct the underlying ecDNA structures, regardless of whether the input from --ecdna_cycle contains duplication or not.

Output of Step 1

Outputs from include

  • (i) the ICE normalized collapsed matrix *_ice_normalized.npy;
  • (ii) the raw collapsed matrix *_original_matrix.npy; and
  • (iii) an annotation file *_annotations.bed which maps each bin to the indices in the expanded matrix. Example annotation file from D458 ecDNA, with 10K resolution:
chr8	128460000	128470000	0
chr8	128470000	128480000	1
chr8	128480000	128490000	2
chr8	128490000	128500000	3
chr8	128500000	128510000	4
chr8	128510000	128520000	5	186
chr8	128520000	128530000	6	187
chr8	128530000	128540000	7
chr8	128540000	128550000	8
chr8	128550000	128560000	9

Step 2 - Reconstructing the 3D structure of ecDNA

As a main functionality of ec3D, given the (ICE) normalized collapsed Hi-C matrix corresponding to ecDNA and annotations, compute the 3D coordinates for each fixed resolution bin on the ecDNA, and an expanded matrix in the existence of a duplicated segment.


python3 [Required arguments] [Optional arguments]

Required arguments

  • --matrix <FILE>, ICE normalized, collapsed matrix in *.txt or *.npy format (*_ice_normalized.txt/npy) from
  • --annotation <FILE>, Annotation of bins in the input matrix (*_annotations.bed) from
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output structure and expanded matrix file. Again if these file is desired to be written to a different directory, then a path/directory should also be included.

Optional arguments

ec3D optimizes the Poisson likelihood with the l-BFGS algorithm implemented in SciPy. In order to tune the optimization process, it allows to reset the following parameters:

  • --reg <FLOAT>, Weight parameter of the regularization term, which controls the variance of Euclidean distance between every pair of consecutive bins; default value is 0.05.
  • --init_alpha <FLOAT>, An initial value of alpha, the power law decay parameter of Hi-C with respect to Euclidean distance, for iterative optimization of the Poisson likelihood evaluated with X (the 3D coordinates) and alpha; default value is -3.0.
    • Note that ec3D works with another parameter beta, which controls the scale of Hi-C interactions relative to power law decay. This parameter can be estimated automatically from given alpha, so there is no need to reset it.
  • --num_repeats <INT> - To overcome potential local minimums, ec3D starts with random initial structures and performs optimization multiple times. --num_repeats controls the number of times the optimization is repeated (with random initial structures). Default value is 5.
  • --max_rounds <INT> - ec3D performs iterative optimization of the Poisson likelihood evaluated with the 3D coordinates and alpha, --max_rounds controls how many times this iterative process is repeated. Default value is 1000.
  • --max_iter_likelihood <INT>, Maximum number of L-BFGS iterations for estimating the 3D coordinates, default value is 10000.
  • --max_iter_exponent <INT>, Maximum number of L-BFGS iterations for estimating alpha, default is 5000.

And finally, to work with *.npy format, you can again specify

  • --save_npy to save the output numpy matrices in *.npy format.

Output of Step 2

After is completed, the following files will be written to the path specified in --output_prefix:

  • (i) Most importantly, *_coordinates.txt/npy, the optimal ecDNA structure reconstruction as 3D coordinates for each bin in the expanded matrix, sorted by the indices of bins specified in the input annotation file;
  • (ii) The optimal values of alpha and beta in *_hyperparameters.txt; and
  • (iii) The expanded Hi-C matrix, *_expanded_matrix.txt/npy, which is computed from the raw collapsed Hi-C matrix, annotation file and structure file, and finally ICE normalized, to be used in the following steps, e.g., identifying significant interactions.

Step 3 - Identifying significant interactions

The capability of ec3D to expand the ecDNA Hi-C matrix additionally enables its identification of significant interactions within an expanded matrix. Given the (ICE) normalized, expanded matrix corresponding to ecDNA, provides an option to identify significant interactions from a circular genome, and separate significant interactions from different causes (SV breakpoints, conformational changes, and candidate trans-interactions between different ecDNA molecules).


python3 [Required arguments] [Optional arguments]

Required arguments

  • --matrix <FILE>, ICE normalized, expanded matrix in *.txt or *.npy format (*_expanded_matrix.txt/npy) from
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output significant interactions and clusterings.

Optional arguments

  • --model <distance_ratio|global_poisson|global_nb> - The statistical model and quantities used to compute significant interactions, default setting is global_nb.
    • If global_poisson or global_nb is specified, ec3D will compute significant interactions based on Hi-C interactions, and at each genomic distance specified in --genomic_distance_model. The only difference is the statistical model of significant interactions - global_poisson fits a Poisson distribution of interactions at each genomic distance; while global_nb fits a Negative Binomial distribution, which can better capture overdispersion in Hi-C interactions.
    • If distance_ratio is specified, significant interactions will be computed based on the ratio between Euclidean distance and genomic distance. This model is designed to capture interactions within a single 3D structure, or minimize the impact of significant interactions due to alternative 3D structures/conformations and trans-interactions between different ecDNA copies.
  • --genomic_distance_model <circular|linear|reference>, Model of genomic distance between two bins, default is circular.
    • circular - Genomic distance between bin i and bin j equals to min(|i - j|, N - |i - j|) where N is the size of the expanded matrix (i.e., number of fixed resolution bins in ecDNA). In other words, interactions in the i-th diagonal and N - i-th diagonal are considered to have the same genomic distance. When applied to ecDNA Hi-C, this setting will minimize the impact of significant interactions due to circularization of ecDNA, and prioritize interactions due to conformational changes.
    • linear - Genomic distance between bin i and bin j equals to |i - j|. This setting can be applied to normal chromosome Hi-C.
    • reference - Genomic distance between bin i and bin j equals to their distance on the reference genome, bounded by the ecDNA size, i.e., if i and j are from different chromosomes or their distance is larger than the size of the input ecDNA, their genomic distance is reset to the ecDNA size. When applied to ecDNA Hi-C, this genomic distance model will capture significant interactions due to circularization of ecDNA, or SV breakpoint joining remote chromosomal segments, potentially suggesting functional impacts/alterations (for example, enhancer hijacking).
  • --structure <FILE>, The reconstructed 3D structure of ecDNA in *.txt or *.npy format (*_coordinates.txt/npy), only required when distance_ratio is specified in --model, otherwise ignored.
  • --annotation <FILE>, Annotation of bins in the input matrix (*_annotations.bed), only required when distance_ratio is specified in --model, otherwise ignored.
  • --pval_cutoff <FLOAT>, (Adjusted) P-value cutoff for significant interactions, default value is 0.05.
  • --max_pooling, Only keep significant interactions larger than their top, bottom, left and right neighbors.
  • --exclude <INT1 INT2, ...>, Exclude significant interactions at given indices in the output and subsequent clustering process.

Output of Step 3

  • (i) A *.tsv file describing the significant interactions computed from the input matrix *_significant_interactions.tsv. Columns represent indices of the two bins involved in each significant interaction (given by annotation file); (normalized) Hi-C interaction frequencies; Poisson/Negative Binomial P-values and adjusted P-values, respectively. An example *_significant_interactions.tsv from D458 ecDNA:
bin1	bin2	interaction	p_value	q_value
0	348	36.323594	0.000428	0.039651
0	349	40.438812	0.000011	0.002524
0	350	37.250238	0.000248	0.027096
1	346	39.230045	0.000054	0.008436
1	347	41.097461	0.000037	0.006483
1	349	43.453360	0.000009	0.002167
1	350	40.806230	0.000011	0.002524
  • (ii) (Louvain) Clustering of significant interactions, in the form of a *.tsv file *_clustered_bins.tsv, which maps each bin involved in a significant interaction to the corresponding cluster of that bin.

Step 4 - Visualization

ec3D by default supports 2 stylistic plotting functionalities, respectively clarifying the 3D structure (output from Step 2) and the significant interaction of an ecDNA (output from Step 3).

4-1 Plotting 3D structures

Usage: python3 [Required arguments] [Optional arguments]

Required arguments

  • --structure <FILE>, the structure reconstruction *_coordinates.txt/npy output from
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output plot(s).

Optional arguments

By default, only the structure will be rendered in the output html/png (see the left plot below). To facilitate interpretation and downstream analysis, one useful option is to plot the (onco)genes amplified on ecDNA (see the middle plot below), and for this you will need to specify

  • --annotation, Annotation of bins (*_annotations.bed) used in reconstructing the 3D structure.
  • --ref <hg19|GRCh37|hg38|GRCh38|mm10>, The reference genome of the input ecDNA cycles (which should match the reference genome used for Hi-C preprocessing with e.g., HiC-pro). Currently, ec3D supports three reference genomes: hg19/GRCh37, hg38/GRCh38, and mm10.
  • One of --download_gene or --gene_fn <FILE>. By default, ec3D will plot the selected oncogenes given in its data_repo if neither of --download_gene or --gene_fn is specified. If --download_gene is specified, ec3D will download the list of NCBI RefSeq genes provided by UCSC genome browser, and plot all genes in this list that (even partially) overlap with the ecDNA. You may also provide a local, custom gene list, in *.gff or *.gtf format, in --gene_fn.

Another plotting option provided by is to include the significant interactions as well as their clusters (see the right plot below), and for this purpose you will need

  • --interactions <FILE>, The *_significant_interactions.tsv output from Step 3.
  • --clusters <FILE>, The *_clustered_bins.tsv output from Step 3. alt text

Finally, ec3d additionally provides an option --noncyclic to plot a non-cyclic structure, including the 3D structure of a normal chromosomal segment.

Output of Step 4-1

A single *_ec3d.html image, which allows to freely rotate the structure, and show/hide certain elements such as genes, bin numbers, breakpoints (that form the ecDNA), interactions and clusters. Adding --save_png can additionally take a screenshot of the structure in default view and save it as *_ec3d.png with the prefix specified in --output_prefix.

4-2 Plotting significant interactions

python3 [Required arguments] [Optional arguments]

Required arguments

The minimum requirement of a significant interaction plot is just the ecDNA cycle and the corresponding expanded matrix, so that only the Hi-C matrix (corresponding to ecDNA intervals) is plotted.

  • --ecdna_cycle <FILE>, ecDNA intervals in extended *.bed format (the same file used in Preprocessing Hi-C).
  • --resolution <INT>, Resolution used in the above reconstrcutions.
  • --matrix <FILE>, ICE normalized and expanded matrix in *.txt or *.npy format (*_expanded_matrix.txt/npy). Can also input a collapsed matrix here, see below for the --plot_collapsed_matrix option.
  • --output_prefix <STRING>, Prefix of the output plot(s).

Optional arguments

  • --interactions <FILE>, The *_significant_interactions.tsv output from Step 3, to be visualized. Significant interactions will be plotted in the upper triangular part of the matrix.
  • --sv_list <FILE>, List of SV breakpoints, in AmpliconClassifier *_SV_summary.tsv format. The first four columns should define the breakpoint in the form of chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2. Breakpoints forming the ecDNA will appear on the diagonals. Addtional SV breakpoints that do not appear on the main ecDNA species will be plotted in the lower triangular part of the matrix. Also note that when these additional SV happen on a duplicated segment, they will occur (and be plotted) multiple times in an expanded matrix.
  • --annotation <FILE>, Annotation *.bed file, requested when either --sv_list or --plot_collapsed_matrix is specified.
  • --plot_collapsed_matrix, Plot significant interactions on top of a collapsed matrix. Ec3D assumes that the input significant interactions are defined on an expanded matrix, so this option requires an annotation file to map interactions to indices in collapsed matrix.

Output of Step 4-2

  • Running will produce a copy of *_expanded/collapsed_matrix.png, and another copy of *_expanded/collapsed_matrix.pdf images with the prefix specified in --output_prefix. See below for examples. Top left: plot of expanded matrix; Top right: plot of expanded matrix along with significant interactions; Bottom left: plot of collapsed matrix along with significant interactions; Bottom right: plot of expanded matrix with significant interactions and additional SVs identified by AmpliconArchitect. alt text


Reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of extrachromosomal DNA







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