Steps to run the project
Update the based on you Cluster host details and port
# Remove the workflow folders
hadoop fs -rmr /tmp/Spark_Oozie_example
# Move the workflow to hdfs
hadoop fs -put /opt/Spark_Oozie_example /tmp
# Invoke your Oozie workflow from command line.
cd /usr/iop/current/oozie-client/bin/
# Change the hostname & port based on your cluster. You can get these URL from the property oozie.base.url from Oozie
export OOZIE_URL=http://<AddHostName>:11000/oozie
# Run the Oozie Job
./oozie job -run -config /opt/Spark_Oozie_example/
Nisanth Simon - NisanthSimon@LinkedIn