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Anobium edited this page Oct 18, 2020 · 1 revision
LCD_IO 12 Port Configuration

Using mode 12:

When using I2C LCD mode 12 the target I2C device address is setup as shown below. Each bit of the the variable i2c_lcd_byte is defined to address the correct LCD display port.

    i2c_lcd_e = i2c_lcd_byte.4
    i2c_lcd_rw = i2c_lcd_byte.5
    i2c_lcd_rs = i2c_lcd_byte.6
    i2c_lcd_bl = i2c_lcd_byte.7
    i2c_lcd_d4 = i2c_lcd_byte.0
    i2c_lcd_d5 = i2c_lcd_byte.1
    i2c_lcd_d6 = i2c_lcd_byte.2
    i2c_lcd_d7 = i2c_lcd_byte.3

If you have an I2C LCD display adapter with a different set of connection of the adapter then change this configuration to suit the specific of the adapter as follows. This should be done in the your main program code.

    #define i2c_lcd_e i2c_lcd_byte.4
    #define i2c_lcd_rw i2c_lcd_byte.5
    #define i2c_lcd_rs i2c_lcd_byte.6
    #define i2c_lcd_bl i2c_lcd_byte.7
    #define i2c_lcd_d4 i2c_lcd_byte.3
    #define i2c_lcd_d5 i2c_lcd_byte.2
    #define i2c_lcd_d6 i2c_lcd_byte.1
    #define i2c_lcd_d7 i2c_lcd_byte.0
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