Releases: Argent77/A7-GolemConstruction
Releases · Argent77/A7-GolemConstruction
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.4
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.3
A mod for BG:EE, BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE that allows spellcasters to construct their own golems.
- Arkion and Nemphre provide repair options for golems.
- Added more hints about commissioning golems in BG1.
- Added ruby gem to container in a BG1 area.
- Improved Thalantyr's dialog.
- Adjusted immunities of Magic Golems.
- Fixed giant golems being blocked by the entrance to the hidden maze in Nyalee's Grove.
- Fixed enemy Maggot Golem scripting in the BG2 Druid Grove quest.
- Updated mod order information in the PI mod.ini file.
- Added Project Infinity support.
- Textual fixes.
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.2
Changes in v6.2:
- Fixed compatibility issue with Hidden Adventure's component "Jerlia's Ore Shop" (Beta 6 or later).
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.1
Changes in v6.1:
- Added Russian translation (thanks to Arkie).
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v6.0
Changes in v6.0:
- Added option to upgrade golems when they gained experience.
- Added option to upgrade golems via Wish spell.
- Added proper conclusion to scribbled notes about golem building in Chateau Irenicus.
- Added support for pure SoD installations on mobile devices.
- Removed "Clear Fog of War" effect from golems in 'Guard' mode.
- Removed IWD:EE v1.4 support.
- Minor fix in Bone Golem combat script.
- IWDEE: Fixed Malavon not appearing after simulacrum died.
- BG2EE: Fixed golem ability detection for imported characters.
- Various minor fixes and optimizations.
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.4
Changes in v5.4:
- Added Italian translation (thanks to Luke93, Elia Danelli, Aedan, improbabile and rede9)
- Added teleport ability to Malavon's golems in IWD:EE
- Made golems immune to imprisonment to work around a game issue
- Vanilla Adamantite Golems should also use Trample ability
- Fixed disabled golems in Spellhold being a target for hostile creatures
- Fixed clay golem conditions for clerics in construction dialog
- Fixed a minor compatibility issue in BG:EE without SoD.
- Various minor bugfixes and textual fixes
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.3
Changes in v5.3:
- Adjusted cleric level requirements for building clay golems
- Cleric Stronghold quests don't interfere with golem construction anymore
- Made golem slow and haste more compatible with Spell Revisions
- Improved combat scripts: enemy mages should not use Energy Blades against clay golems
- Several textual fixes
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.2
Changes in v5.2:
- Made clay golem construction available to clerics
- Added cleric-specific workshops to their respective temple strongholds
- Fixed missing ambient sound on quest-related map
- Corrected Nym's default combat script
- Several spelling fixes and improvements
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.1
Changes in v5.1:
- Added Polish translation for artifact quest
- Improved component name "Identify all mod items"
- Fixed a potential loophole in the artifact quest that could result in forcing the player to reload
Golem Construction for Spellcasters v5.0
Changes in v5.0:
- Renamed setup file and mod folder to conform to naming conventions on Unix-like operating systems
- Added new quest to retrieve a golem-specific artifact (BG2:EE/EET)
- Added new Tweaks component "Identify all items"
- Added new Tweaks component "Add Teleport ability to golems"
- Worked around a game bug in the dialog of Ore Merchant Jerlia
- Fixed a condition when de'Arnise golems should turn hostile
- Fixed incorrect names of BG1 golem manuals
- Fixed spellings in French translation