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There are 2 ways to use Mnemosyne:

Using the CLI (Command Line Interface)

To use Mnemosyne from the CLI, just type on your shell:

 Mnemosyne <path>

Where <path> is the path to the directory you want to scan.

Using the GUI CLI Keyword

 Mnemosyne GUI <path>

Where <path> is the path to the directory you want to scan.

Adding the GUI Keyword will open the GUI and start the scanning process.

Using the GUI (Graphical User Interface)

To use Mnemosyne from the GUI, just double click on the Mnemosyne icon and a Window should open,

Mnemosyne Window

click on the file button to select the directory you want to scan.

File Button

After you have selected the directory you want to scan, Mnemosyne will say that it is "Ready to Scan!" To start the scanning process, click on th.e "Scan" button. (Note: The Scan button will not be clickable if you have not selected a directory)

Mnemosyne Ready

After you click the Scan button Mnemosyne will start and indicate that it is scanning the directory

Mnemosyne Scanning

When the scanning is finished, it will show you the results.

It will show you information such as:

  • The Name of the file or folder. (Shown under the "Name" Column)

  • The Percentage of the directory size that the file or folder is taking up. (Shown under the "Approx %" Column)

  • The Size of the file or folder. (Shown under the "Size" Column)

    (Note: The Percentage and Name can be sorted by clicking on them)

    Mnemosyne Result

    You can use the scroll bar or your mouse wheel to scroll through the results.

    You can also click on a folder on your results and It will start a new scan on that folder.

    Mnemosyne Folder Ready

    It will also enable the "Back" button.

    Mnemosyne Back Button

    By clicking on the "Back" button you will go back to the previous folder.

    (Note: The "Back" button will stay disabled when you are on the root directory)

    Mnemosyne Result

    Using The Menu Bar with the GUI

    As with most applications in the Amiga, Mnemosyne has a Menu Bar with some options and functions that can be very useful.

    You can use the Menu Bar by having Mnemosyne open and holding the Right Mouse Button while hovering over the workbench tab.

    Mnemosyne Menu

    The Menu Bar has the following options:

    • Open: Opens window for you to select a directory to scan.

    • Open in Workbench...: Opens the current directory you are in on a window. (Note: This will stay disabled when you have not scanned a directory)

    • About: Opens a window with information about Mnemosyne.

    • Quit: Quits Mnemosyne.