sdktest is an addon designed to help test the Ashita SDK bindings to Lua.
Please note: This addon is not intended for general player use. It is not a real addon with any real usage/purpose except for developers. Developers can use this addon as a reference for how to work with the Ashita SDK Lua bindings as well as get some examples of usages.
sdktest exposes the following commands:
- /sdktest ashitacore - Tests the IAshitaCore object.
- /sdktest chatmanager - Tests the IChatManager object.
- /sdktest configurationmanager - Tests the IConfigurationManager object.
- /sdktest fontobjects - Tests the font and primitive objects.
- /sdktest guimanager - Tests the IGuiManager object.
- /sdktest inputmanager - Tests the IInputManager and related objects.
- /sdktest logmanager - Tests the ILogManager object.
- /sdktest offsetmanager - Tests the IOffsetManager object.
- /sdktest packetmanager - Tests the IPacketManager object.
- /sdktest pluginmanager - Tests the IPluginManager object.
- /sdktest pointermanager - Tests the IPointerManager object.
- /sdktest polpluginmanager - Tests the IPolPluginManager object.
- /sdktest resourcemanager - Tests the IResourceManager object.
- /sdktest memory autofollow - Tests the IAutoFollow memory object.
- /sdktest memory castbar - Tests the ICastBar memory object.
- /sdktest memory entity - Tests the IEntity memory object.
- /sdktest memory inventory - Tests the IInventory memory object.
- /sdktest memory party - Tests the IParty memory object.
- /sdktest memory player - Tests the IPlayer memory object.
- /sdktest memory recast - Tests the IRecast memory object.
- /sdktest memory target - Tests the ITarget memory object.
- /sdktest all - Runs all registered tests.
Please note: Some tests may require manual interaction/input by you! Be sure to read the chat output as the tests are running to follow instructions when prompted.
The recommended environment for working with Ashita v4 addons is using Visual Studio Code.
- VSCode:
VSCode does not natively support Lua files in-full. But, it does offer a lot of user-made extensions to make up for what it doesn't have.
We currently recommend the following extension for working with Lua files inside of VSCode:
This extension offers a lot of features in regards to working with addons, and therefore can need some configurations to work with in an ideal manner. This addon includes an example helper-configuration file setup for VSCode to override some of the extensions settings for use with Ashita's Lua setup. (.vscode/settings.json)
At this time, the override configuration file helps with:
- Lua.diagnostics.disable: Disables features that will otherwise cause unwanted warnings/errors.
- undefined-field: Disabled because we expand some built-in types/tables of Lua with custom fields/functions that the extension will warn about being unknown.
- Lua.diagnostics.globals:
- Types manually exposed by the Addons plugin are added to this list to account for undefined-globals warnings.