Docker images
To build/publish you can use the Makefile
# Build & publish all images
$ make install
# Build & publish group of images
# nodejs: Docker image for node js
$ make nodejs
# symfony: httpd & php docker images suitable for Symfony (http no debug)
$ make symfony
# symfony-dev: httpd & php docker images suitable for Symfon in dev (http/https/xdebug)
$ make symfony-dev
Docker image built on the official php-fpm Docker image. This image is suitable for Symfony applications
- pdo
- zip
- sockets
- intl
- mysqli
- pdo_mysql
- gd
- opcache
- apc/apcu
- Symfony CLI
- Composer
Docker image built on the enabel/php-sysmfony Docker image. This image is suitable for Symfony applications in DEV environment
- all extensions included in enabel/php-sysmfony
- xdebug
Custom docker image to serve httpd on port 80 This image is suitable for Symfony applications
- rewrite
- proxy
- proxy_fcgi
- proxy_balancer
- proxy_http
- proxy_ajp
Docker image built on the enabel/httpd-symfony Docker image. This image serve httpd on port 80 & 443 This image is suitable for Symfony applications
- all modules included in enabel/php-sysmfony
- ssl
- Self signed certificate generate by mkcert
Docker image built on the official node Docker image. This image is suitable for building assets with yarn/webpack
- Change working dir to
/var/www/html by default