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Beelzebub edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 11 revisions

you can add Emojis instance in Collection via Collection:Add(emojis)


Name Type Description
dbName string Name of .json db
db table DB that contains all emojis.
aliases table Assoc, pairs: "alias" => "uid"
assets table List of all assets available for this db
raw string Url to directory with assets

lib.Emojis(repo, dbName, defaultAssets, branch)

Parameter Type Optional
repo string
dbName string
defaultAssets string
branch string

Constructs new Emojis object, gets the emojis from db (may fetch db) This method may make an HTTP request.

local lib = include("emoji.lua")
local emojis = lib.Emojis("Be1zebub/Emoji.lua", "emoji", "emoji/noto", "master") -- from "", get db "emoji", set default assets pack "emoji/noto", from branch "master"

Returns: Emojis


Parameter Type Optional
alias string

Lookups emoji from db, returns as Emoji instance. This method only operates on data in memory.

":airplane:" > Emote("emoji", "2708-fe0f")

Returns: Emoji

Emojis:Search(query, isPattern, storage)

Parameter Type Optional
query string
isPattern boolean
storage table

Search emojis in db. This method only operates on data in memory.

"thumb" > {Emote("emoji", "1f44d"), Emote("emoji", "1f44e")}

Returns: table - Emoji list


Parameter Type Optional
text string

Parse emotes from text This method only operates on data in memory.

":wave: world! I love :new_moon:️" > {Emoji("emoji", "1f44b"), "world! I love", Emoji("emoji", "1f311")}

Returns: table - that contents text-parts & Emoji's