I am committed to building outstanding Softwares so that the user will have a memorable experience interacting with them using modern technologies like React, Next, React Native and fast Backend APIs. I build RESTful APIs using Ruby on Rails and Express. Manual and automated testing is also part of my daily life where I use technologies like cypress, robot framework, and jest to create test suites and ensure that software applications works as expected
It is this dual perspective of both software developer and software test that makes me unique
Curiosity is the one that pushes me to learn more and seek for more adventure in this technology world. That is why I'm constantly learning and turning into a better version of myself day by day!😎
I'm always
about new challenges to
grow 💪 and
excel 🚀
because as you know What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Please feel free to clone/fork projects, raise issues and submit PRs if you think something could be better. Ask me anything here or email me My Email
⭐️ From Bertrand Mutangana