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An API platform for automating the provisioning and setting up of a replicated PostgreSQL primary-read-replica cluster on AWS resources

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API platform for PostgreSQL setup

An API platform for automating the provisioning and setting up of a replicated PostgreSQL primary-read-replica cluster on AWS resources


  • A Linux based machine with a Python 3.8+ environment to run the python app
  • Terraform installed and available in your system's PATH. installation.
  • Ansible installed and available in your system's PATH. installation
  • AWS CLI is required to be installed and configured with credentials for a user with permissions to run the terraform commands that use the aws provider. installation


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd chalo_assignment
  2. Create a virtual environment and Install dependencies:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configuring the API server:

    • Create a .env file in the root directory, use the template in the repository.
    # .env file example
    DEBUG=True            # Enable debug mode (True or False)
    API_PORT=5000         # Port on which the API will run
    HOST_ADDRESS= # Host address to bind the server to ( for all interfaces)
    ALLOWED_HOSTS=*      # Comma separated list of allowed hosts, use * to allow all
    TERRAFORM_BINARY=terraform    # Path to the terraform binary, it must exist in your PATH
    OUTPUT_FORMAT=json    # Format of terraform output (json)
    • Set DEBUG=True to enable debug mode and logging.
    • You can configure other settings like API_PORT, HOST_ADDRESS, etc.
  4. Creating and securing the Ansible Vault

    Note: It is important to configure the vault manually as it will contain our replication password

    • Make a new directory and file for your vault
    • mkdir ansible/vault && touch rm -f ansible/vault/vault.yaml
    • Add replication password to the file
    echo "replication_password: '<your_replication_pass>'" > ansible/vault/vault.yaml
    • Encrypt the vault
    ansible-vault encrypt ansible/vault/vault.yaml

    set vault password when prompted

    • Pass password into the ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD env variable
     export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD=<your_vault_password>
  5. Creating and storing private key files for ec2 key-pairs Create two key pairs

    • For bastion host in public subnet
    • For DB servers in private subnets

    Make sure you set proper file level permission for ssh usage


Start the API server


API Endpoints

  • /terraform/generate (POST):

    • Description: Generates the terraform.tfvars file from a Jinja2 template and user-provided variables.
    • Request Body: JSON object containing variables for configuring variables for the provisioned infrastructure

    Full list of variables are available in this file; bastion_key_pair and db_key_pair are required, others will default to values in file

    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On success, returns a success message, the list of used variables, and the list of default variables.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message specifying any missing or invalid parameters.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
          "bastion_key_pair": "<your_bastion_key_name>",
          "db_key_pair": "<your_db_key_name>",
          "environment": "staging",
          "replica_count": "2",
          "db_instance_type": "t2.medium"
      }' http://localhost:5000/terraform/generate
  • /terraform/init (POST):

    • Description: Executes terraform init to initialize the terraform directory.
    • Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output, where if true then STDOUT is returned.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On Success, returns a JSON object which contains a success message, if output=false only success/failure message is returned, if output = true, then the output is returned.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/terraform/init
  • /terraform/plan (POST):

    • Description: Executes terraform plan to plan the changes.
    • Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output, where if true then STDOUT is returned.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On Success, returns a JSON object which contains a success message, if output=false only success/failure message is returned, if output = true, then the output is returned.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/terraform/plan
  • /terraform/apply (POST):

    • Description: Executes terraform apply to provision the resources.
    • Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output, where if true then STDOUT is returned.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On Success, returns a JSON object which contains a success message, if output=false only success/failure message is returned, if output = true, then the output is returned.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
       curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/terraform/apply
  • /terraform/destroy (POST):

    • Description: Executes terraform destroy to remove the resources.
    • Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output, where if true then STDOUT is returned.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On Success, returns a JSON object which contains a success message, if output=false only success/failure message is returned, if output = true, then the output is returned.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/terraform/destroy
  • /terraform/output (POST): * Description: Executes terraform output to fetch terraform output values. * Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output, where if true then STDOUT is returned. * Response:

    • 200 OK: On Success, returns a JSON object which contains a success message, if output=false only success/failure message is returned, if output = true, then the output is returned.
    • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed. * 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened. * Example:
     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/terraform/output
  • /ansible/configure (POST):

    • Description: Configures Ansible files (hosts.ini, ansible.cfg, postgress_settings.yaml).
    • Request Body: JSON object with required keys bastion_key_path and db_key_path and optional key-value pairs for postgress_settings.yaml

    The optional variables support almost variables included in the postgresql.conf file. be aware of impact changing certain values may cause key paths should contain extension if present

    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On success, returns a success message.
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message detailing any issues.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
        curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
            "bastion_key_path": "<bastion_key_path>",
            "db_key_path": "<db_key_path>",
            "max_connections": "50",
            "max_wal_senders": "15"
          }' http://localhost:5000/ansible/configure
  • /ansible/run (POST):

    • Description: Runs the Ansible playbook using the values in the inventory and the postgress_settings.yaml using process substitution to pass the vault password from an environment variable.
    • Request Body: Optional JSON object that takes output and postgresql_version. If output is set to true then the output is returned.
    • Response:
      • 200 OK: On success, returns a success message and output
      • 400 Bad Request: On failure, returns an error message stating why the operation failed.
      • 500 Internal Server Error: Returns an error stating something unexpected happened.
    • Example:
      curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"output": true}' http://localhost:5000/ansible/run


  • The application logs to both console and log files (located at logs/app.log, logs/terraform_utils.log, and logs/ansible_utils.log).
  • Logs include timestamps, log levels (DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc.), and messages.
  • When output is set to true on terraform and ansible endpoints the output is logged to the debug log level.

Adding to the API

  • Changes to terraform:
    • Changes to the /main/ file should be carried over to the file. All added variables should either be under REQUIRED_VARIABLES(no defaults) or OPTIONAL_VARIABLES(has defaults)
    • Endpoint logic is defined in and additional definitions should exist there.
    • Add route to api/
  • Changes to Ansible
    • Changes to hosts.ini and ansible.cfg should be mirrored in the relevant jinja template in the templates directory
    • Playbook and task specific changes dont need to be changed
    • If adding playbooks, needs to be modified to make the command that is run more flexible
    • Endpoint logic is defined in and additional definitions should exist there.
    • Add route to api/


An API platform for automating the provisioning and setting up of a replicated PostgreSQL primary-read-replica cluster on AWS resources






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