A simple web browser game utilizing the PERN stack.
Goal of the game is to reach the dragon as quickly as possible. There are obstacles such as mountains and fireballs you must overcome.
- Live AWS Link: http://shield-knight-dev.us-west-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/
- Click the green/blue
<> Code
button, then copy HTTPS/SSH URL - Open your code editor
- Select
Clone Repository in Container Volume...
- Paste HTTPS/SSH URL, click
Clone git repository from URL
- Select
- Install all dependencies with
npm install
- Start PostgreSQL
sudo service postgresql start
- Create database
createdb shieldKnight
- Start all the development servers with the
script:npm run dev
- Later, when you wish to stop the development servers, type
in the terminal where the servers are running.
- A React app has already been created for you.
- Go to the browser and enter http://localhost:5173/, the app should be running
In a separate terminal, run
npm run db:import
to create the tables. -
to verify the tables were created successfully.psql -d shieldKnight -c '\dt'