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Releases: BlockBuilder57/XBC2ModelDecomp

v2.1 - Don't Forget Your Compass

17 Jun 21:39
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This is why you should check for bugs before you push an update to anything. Found a couple of bugs that needed squashing, so here's a little update to fix those.


  • Export glTF with UVs for both maps and models
  • Updated a few things about the XNALara exporter to allow it to better export maps
  • Started work on glTF bones (but they're a bit complicated to figure out right now)

EDIT: Attached a slightly newer x64 build with broken bone weights. Future builds will be x64 only, as the version of SharpGLTF I compile with eats RAM like there's no tomorrow.

v2.0 - Cartographer's Delight

17 Jun 04:35
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Translation: Happy June 16th 15th everybody, here's a really important update for the tool, the ability to export maps! It can also export props, with proper location, rotation, and scale (at least with the glTF format.) This has been a while in the making, so I hope you enjoy. This update wouldn't have been possible without the hard work and support of Turk645, who has been researching for his Blender plugin while I port it over to C#.

(As a note, texture names are truncated from the files, so many textures will not have names and you will have to figure out what goes where yourself.)


  • Finally finish the ability to export maps!
  • Exports props with a configurable file split size
  • Also export map textures (some files have no findable names)
  • Support multiple meshes in MXMD (for maps)
  • Reduce memory usage throughout the program, however it still can use a lot (1-3GB).

Edit: Quick update to force maps to use glTF as it's more featurerich than XNALara. You can still use XNALara for models (which I recommend.)

v1.2 - Can't We Have Any Consistency?

16 May 02:18
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Hi again, another quick update here to fix major bugs I never found. Models have uh, variety, in this game.

  • Allow models to exclude skeleton (.arc) or MXMD (.wimdo)
  • Fix nullref when selecting output folder first (thanks IRoyzo!)
  • Account for face flexes not coming first in model flexes (thanks @keesoudwater34!)
  • Switch debug info to recursive reflection hell so I don't have to write ToString()s by hand anymore
  • Clarified internal paths, no change for end users

Edit: Quick hotfix for those that use commas instead of periods as their decimal notation (again, thanks @keesoudwater34)

v1.1 - This Tool Has A Glitch

13 May 02:35
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Just figured out the mesh file/main chunk textures, so here's a quick update. This fixes any texture naming problems that may have happened with yesterday's version, and extracts some missing textures too, like the rivets on Rex's helmet.

Redundant Changelog:

  • Fix texture extracting bugs
  • Read textures from mesh file

v1.0 - Initial Release

12 May 04:53
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Welcome to v1.0 of XBC2ModelDecomp! (yeah it should be called XBC2ModelExtract but it's a pain to recreate the project)

As of now, the tool can do the following, with more features to come in the future!

  • Dump model meshes, bones, and flexes to XNALara ascii or glTF (but with no bones)
  • Dump textures from .wismt
  • Dump animations
  • Dumps raw files from map files

Follow the README to learn how to extract a file, and make sure to report any bugs!