Easily share and connect with others about what you’ve eaten today. When you're pondering what to eat, take a peek at others’ delicious food photos for some inspiration. No need to worry about capturing picture-perfect shots. Your posts will disappear from others' view after 24 hours.
- Please only upload food photos. Only pictures taken in real time can be posted.
- Simply snap a photo, no need to add any additional information to create a post.
- Posts will be shared for 24 hours, after which only you can see them.
- You can communicate with others through comments.
- In a single post, you can add multiple photos using the 'Add a plate' button.
- All the food photos you've captured are visible on the profile screen.
- If you come across any non-food posts, please report them to us.
- SwiftUI
- AVFoundation, AuthenticationServices
- Kingfisher
- Firebase (Authentication, Firestore, Storage)
eunbkang | sunshiningsoo | heokyeol | hardworking-nomad | Willowwryu |
- 2023.09.09 v1.0.0 released
- 2024.05.30 v1.0.1 Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- 2024.06.13 v1.0.2 Minor bug fixes and small improvements