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Multi-site video/audio downloader , mp3/mp4 formats.

next.js + Flask API + SQLAlchemy

  • Youtube/Youtube Music/Youtube Shorts
  • Insta reels/Insta videos
  • TikToks/Twitter/Twitch clips/Reddit videos

Tested on Python 3.10

  1. set default port for python api server (/python/
if __name__ == "__main__":, debug=True, port=8080)
  1. App using api in 3 files
This is used on client side. So you want to create reverse proxy for port (for example: api.domain.tld)

This is fetched from server side.. So you can use localhost.

Link for download for client.
@app.route("/get_me_link", methods=["POST"])
def get_download_link():
    data = request.json
    file = download.get_file(data["url"], data["type"])
    return {"url": "{(for example: api.domain.tld)}/serve_file/" + file} 
  1. set default app port in package.json
npm run build (first start python api server)
"start": "next start -p 8090",
  1. npm run build