Application for the administration and request of hotel rooms with updated information on the availability of rooms.
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Apollo Client
- Apollo Server
- Material-UI
- React Big Calendar
- Draft.js
- React Hook Form
- Nexus
- Postgresql
- Prisma
- Cloudinary
- Search by hotel name or location with real-time suggestions.
- Hotel filtering by category, facilities, services, activities, spoken languages and restrictions.
- Pagination.
- Push notifications.
- Ability to check availability and reserve hotel rooms.
- Authentication.
- Multi hotels and admins support.
- Ability to customize hotel and room thumbnails.
- Ability to edit hotel and rooms genetic information and booking logistics.
- Ability to categorize, assign available quota and unique identifier to each hotel room.
- Ability to visualize, search, filter, accept or reject booking requests.
- Possibility of uploading and managing reservations made by external methods.
- Ability to visualize information, search, filter guests.
- Ability to view the calendar of active, canceled or completed reservations, to be able to view details and cancel reservations.
- Ability to manage through a folder system and upload media files to cloudinary.
Jwt secret keyNEXT_PUBLIC_HOST
Application hots nameNEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL
Postgresql database connection stringNODE_ENV
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd hotel_booker_app
Install dependencies
npm install
Create and seed the database
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
npx prisma db seed
Start the server
npm run dev
npm run build
npm start