Finally!!! That is the first functional firmware!
- Functionalities of electronic load (constant current)
- Monitoring current, voltage, power, temperature and gate switch
- Oled Screen where print values of current, voltage and power
- Modify pwm of the mosfet through HW, by turning the selector (for now it is not able to regulate by Ampers, Volts, Power or Resistance)
- Safety protections
- Wifi AP to configure wifi ssid and pwk
- Simple web to monitorise last 5 minutes in a graphic
Burning firmware
Take a look of documentation
Not implemented yet
- External ADC to improve accuracity of measurements
- Monitor web in AP mode
- Regulate by Ampers (CC), Volts (CV), Power (CP) or Resistance (CR)
- Calculate Resistance of mosfet
- Battery calculation
And other options that will come in the future... any help will be welcome ;)