Omoshiroi 1.8.46-alpha
List of Features as of January 2022.
#1. Main Activity (3)
-User Log in
-User Registration
-User Account Recovery
#2. Menu (7)
#3. Profile (5)
-user can update / edit profile information.
-user account log out.
-user can update / edit avatar images.
-user points, ocoins, level and power-ups information.
-leveling pattern information.
#4. Setting (6)
-Fully working sound effects and background music.
-Theme customized (Light / Dark)
-User guide/walkthrough of omoshiroi.
-About US of omoshiroi.
-Help / FAQ (External link will open).
-Exit Game.
#5. Arcade (17)
-Easy mode [Tenses, True or False, Multiple Choices and Matching] (Some Stages are not available for now.)
-Medium mode [Fill in the blank and Group Word Together] (Some Stages are not available for now.)
-Hard mode [POS: 4Pics 1Word and Sentence Out! & Added Reason/Explanation of grammar issues].
-Story Mode [Three story theme: Let's Campaign Buddies, Don't be scared! and Santa Claus is Comin'..] (Some sub story are not available for now.)
-Mode guide information.
-Result and mistakes information.
#6. Mission (3)
-Daily reward.
-Daily Tasks.
-Level Tasks.
#7. Shop (2)
-You can buy / use timer power-ups [Add 1 minute, Freeze and Stop]
-You can buy / use skip the question and reveal the answer power-ups.
-You can buy / update your avatar collection.
#8. Ranking (1)
-Top 10 lists of omoshiroi users based on level and points.
-Refreshes real-time.
#9. History (2)
-User Activity and Progress tracker
-History Filter
***System Limitations
-Omoshiroi has portrait orientation only.
-Android OS version minimum of 6 and up only.
-Above 3gb of RAM only
Current Version: