This is a version of the d3 book by Scott Murray with minor adjustments for Data Visualization for Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities. These changes are:
- This class uses d3.v5, which is included in the zipped files as d3.js. (The book was originally written for v3, then updated for v4)
- In each chapter, there are files with the word "assignment" in the name which are for students to complete after reading each chapter. These have comments in them with instructions and hints.
These are sample code files to accompany the book “Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, Second Edition” by Scott Murray, published in July 2017 by O’Reilly.
Always find the latest book info at:
Important: Make sure you are using the correct version of these sample files! Otherwise, the code you see here may not exactly match what you see in the book.
This is version 2.0 of the examples, which should sync perfectly with what appears in the second edition. (Fingers crossed.)
For code shown in the first edition of the book (published March 2013), find version 1.0 on the releases page.