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Update checkmarx-ast-cli binaries with 2.3.16 #429

Update checkmarx-ast-cli binaries with 2.3.16

Update checkmarx-ast-cli binaries with 2.3.16 #429

Workflow file for this run

name: Checkmarx One Github Action CI
on: [ pull_request ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Integration Testing
- name: Checkout the repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4.1.0
- name: Create source file
run: |
echo "testcode">
# Test Failure on missing client-id and secret
- name: Run With Empty Client And Secret
id: empty_client_secret
continue-on-error: true
uses: ./
project_name: ${{ }}-tests
cx_client_id: ""
cx_client_secret: ""
- name: Check If Authentication Failed
if: ${{contains( steps.empty_client_secret.outcome, 'success')}}
run: |
echo "The authentication must fail if invalid client id or password is used"
echo "${{ steps.empty_client_secret.outcome}}"
exit 1
# Test valid input
- name: Valid Scenario
id: valid_scenario
continue-on-error: true
uses: ./
project_name: ${{ }}-tests
base_uri: ${{ secrets.CX_BASE_URI }}
cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CX_TENANT }}
cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_ID }}
cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
additional_params: --file-include *.sh,Dockerfile --scan-types kics --report-format summaryJSON
- name: Check If Scan Failed
if: ${{ contains( steps.valid_scenario.outcome, 'success') == false}}
run: |
echo "The action outcome should be success."
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario.outcome}}"
exit 1
- name: Check If Output Scan ID Is Empty
if: steps.valid_scenario.outputs.cxScanID == ''
run: |
echo "Scan ID empty."
exit 1
- name: Print Output Scan ID
run: |
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario.outputs.cxScanID }}"
- name: Check If Output Log Is Empty
if: steps.valid_scenario.outputs.cxcli == ''
run: |
echo "Output log empty."
exit 1
- name: Print CLI Output
run: |
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario.outputs.cxcli }}"
# Test failure when wrong preset name
- name: Test With Wrong Preset Name
id: preset_name_test
continue-on-error: true
uses: ./
project_name: ${{ }}-tests
base_uri: ${{ secrets.CX_BASE_URI }}
cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CX_TENANT }}
cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_ID }}
cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
additional_params: --sast-preset-name ChekmarxDefaultFake --scan-types sast
- name: Check If Preset Name Scan Completed
if: ${{contains( steps.preset_name_test.outcome, 'success')}}
run: |
echo "The cli should fail. Wrong preset name provided"
echo "${{ steps.preset_name_test.outcome}}"
exit 1
# Test source path input
- name: Create subfolder and add file
run: |
mkdir -p my_source_dir
echo "This is a test file for Checkmarx scanning" > my_source_dir/
echo "FROM alpine:latest" > my_source_dir/Dockerfile
- name: Valid Scenario With Source Path
id: valid_scenario_source_path
continue-on-error: true
uses: ./
project_name: ${{ }}-tests
base_uri: ${{ secrets.CX_BASE_URI }}
cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CX_TENANT }}
cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_ID }}
cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
source_dir: "./my_source_dir"
additional_params: --file-include *.sh,Dockerfile --scan-types kics --report-format summaryJSON
- name: Check If Scan Failed
if: ${{ contains( steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outcome, 'success') == false}}
run: |
echo "The action outcome should be success."
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outcome}}"
exit 1
- name: Check If Output Scan ID Is empty
if: steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outputs.cxScanID == ''
run: |
echo "Scan ID empty."
exit 1
- name: Print Output Scan ID
run: |
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outputs.cxScanID }}"
- name: Check If Output Log Is Empty
if: steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outputs.cxcli == ''
run: |
echo "Output log empty."
exit 1
- name: Print cCLI Output
run: |
echo "${{ steps.valid_scenario_source_path.outputs.cxcli }}"