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Cloud Computing Project Group 03

GKE Deploy


  • Beatriz Rosa 55313, José Ricardo Ribeiro 62761, Christopher Anaya 60566, Ayla Stehling 63327



  1. chmod +x ~/cn-group03/scripts/*
  2. Delete cluster in GCP and GCR(Google Container Registry) and kubernetes allocated resources:


  1. Create service acc. and cluster and secrets:



  1. Build and push docker images


  1. Apply deployment configurations:


  1. Run tests:


Phase 4

  1. Create new project in GCP called 'test-project-tp1'
  2. Delete cluster in GCP and GCR(Google Container Registry) and kubernetes allocated resources:


  1. Open Google Cloud Shell in the project and run:


And then:


Phase 3

Install docker and run the script:

In case of permission denied, run: chmod +x ~/cn-group03/scripts/*


#Role Role Number Name
1 Microservices fc55313 Beatriz Rosa
2 Data Science fc60566 Christopher Anaya
3 DevOps fc62761 José Ricardo Ribeiro
4 TODO fc63327 Ayla Stehling


Name of microservice Number Responsible
API Gateway and Market-Analysis fc55313 Beatriz Rosa
Sentiment Analysis fc60566 Christopher Anaya
Yelp Category Recommendation fc62761 José Ricardo Ribeiro
Question-Analysis fc63327 Ayla Stehling