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My own auto init vim config files. Please note that this repository now only support ubuntu version above 20.04.


First, you need to clone this repository to your machine through using git.

git clone

And then, copy the file init.vim to your home path. Remember to change it's name to .vimrc. You can use command as follow:

cp init.vim ~/.vimrc

If everything goes right when you open vim, it will automatically start installing.

Otherwise, open vim using command :PlugInstall to finish initializing your vim config.



Vim-gutentags uses Universal Ctags as ctags generator. You will need to build and install it according to the manual.

<c-]> go to the definition go back

  • ALT + =: toggle terminal below.
  • ALT + SHIFT + h: move to the window on the left.
  • ALT + SHIFT + l: move to the window on the right.
  • ALT + SHIFT + j: move to the window below.
  • ALT + SHIFT + k: move to the window above.
  • ALT + SHIFT + n: move to the previous window.
  • ALT + -: paste register 0 to terminal.
  • ALT + q: switch to terminal normal mode.

Inside the terminal:

drop abc.txt

tell vim to open abc.txt


This plugin provide a single command H:

:H {shell command}

You can type ":H uname -a" in vim's command line, it will send to the terminal directly without actually enter the terminal.


  • g:terminal_key: which key will be used to toggle terminal window, default to <m-=>.
  • g:terminal_cwd: initialize working dir: 0 for unchanged, 1 for file path and 2 for project root.
  • g:terminal_height: new terminal height, default to 10.
  • g:terminal_pos: where to open the terminal, default to rightbelow.
  • g:terminal_shell: specify shell rather than default one.
  • g:terminal_edit: command to open the file in vim, default to tab drop.
  • g:terminal_kill: set to term to kill term session when exiting vim.
  • g:terminal_list: set to 0 to hide terminal buffer in the buffer list.
  • g:terminal_fixheight: set to 1 to set winfixheight for the terminal window.
  • g:terminal_close: set to 1 to close window if process finished.


The internal terminal in both vim/neovim has NORMAL and INSERT mode. When you are in INSERT mode, you can enter shell commands. And if you want to scroll terminal screen or copy / paste texts to a normal vim buffer, you need to switch to NORMAL mode by <c-\><c-n> (like tmux's <c-b> + left square bracket).

This plugin has defined a <m-q> map for <c-\><c-n>, which makes switching to terminal normal mode a little easier.

If you want to re-enter INSERT mode, just press i or a, and you can input shell commands again.


This plugin defined a runner thelp for asyncrun.vim, which enables you use terminal-help to execute asyncrun commands:

:AsyncRun -mode=term -pos=thelp echo 123

And it is also useful when you are using asynctasks.vim:

command=echo 123

You can either set g:asynctasks_term_pos to thelp or use pos field in task option directly. After this:

:AsyncTask test-task

Can run the task in the terminal-help's window.


My own auto init vim config files






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