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⚠ The original user bugsounet deleted his repositories. So this is a copy of the repository. I cannot give support. You may open pull request and issues - maybe someone can adress them in the future. However I can not

After a configured time without any user interaction the display will turn off and hide all modules for economy mode.
It will wake up with a Pir sensor, Touch screen or crontab


Minimal MagicMirror² version requirement: v2.28.0
Minimal node version requirement: v20.9.0

Clone the module into your MagicMirror module folder and execute npm run setup in the module's directory.

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-Pir
npm run setup

This module will verify if all screen saver is disabled and disable it if needed


To display the module insert it in the config.js file.

Personalized configuration

  module: 'MMM-Pir',
  position: 'top_left',
  config: {
    debug: false,
    Display: {
      timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000,
      animate: true,
      style: 1,
      colorFrom: "#FF0000",
      colorTo: "#00FF00",
      mode: 1,
      counter: true,
      lastPresence: true,
      lastPresenceTimeFormat: "LL H:mm",
      availability: true,
      autoDimmer: false,
      xrandrForceRotation: "normal",
      wrandrForceRotation: "normal",
      wrandrForceMode: null,
      waylandDisplayName: "wayland-0",
      relayGPIOPin: 0,
      ddcutil: {
        powerOnCode: "01",
        powerOffCode: "04",
        skipSetVcpCheck: false
    Pir: {
      mode: 0,
      gpio: 21
    Motion: {
      deviceId: 0,
      captureIntervalTime: 1000,
      scoreThreshold: 100
    Cron: {
      mode: 0,
      ON: [],
      OFF: []
    Touch: {
      mode: 3
    Governor: {
      sleeping: 4,
      working: 2
    Sounds: {
      on: "open.mp3",
      off: "close.mp3"

Detailed Configuration

Root Configuration

Option Description Type Default
debug enable or not debug mode Boolean false

Display Configuration

Option Description Type Default
timeout Time before the mirror turns off the display if no user activity is detected. (in ms) Number 120000
animate Animate all modules on turn on/off your screen Boolean true
style Style of the Count-down. (see bellow) Number 1
colorFrom Color of the start of the color gradient (default: Red in HEXA) String #FF0000
colorTo Color of the start of the color gradient (default: Green in HEXA) String #00FF00
mode mode for turn on/off your screen (see bellow) Number
counter Should display Count-down in screen ? Boolean true
lastPresence Display the date of the last user presence Boolean true
lastPresenceTimeFormat Change the date format (moment.js format) of the last presence String LL H:mm
availability Display screen availability time (average 24h) Boolean true
autoDimmer creen dimmer when timeout is 1/4 time left and use opacity from 100% to 0% Boolean false
xrandrForceRotation -mode 2 only- Forces screen rotation according to the defined value (possible value: "normal", "left", "right", "inverted") String normal
wrandrForceRotation -mode 3 only- Forces screen rotation according to the defined value (possible value: "normal", "90", "180", "270", "flipped", "flipped-90", "flipped-180", "flipped-270") String normal
wrandrForceMode -mode 3 only- Force screen resolution mode String null
waylandDisplayName -mode 3 or mode 7 only- Wayland display name (generaly wayland-0 or wayland-1) String wayland-0
relayGPIOPin -mode 8 only- GPIO pin of the relay Number
ddcutil -mode 5 only- Adjust feature codes of setvcp command for power on (powerOnCode) and off (powerOffCode), and to skip check after setvcp commands (skipSetVcpCheck) Object {powerOnCode: "01", powerOffCode: "04", skipSetVcpCheck: false}
  • Available style:

    • style: 0 - Don't display Count-up bar in screen
    • style: 1 - Display count-up in text mode
    • style: 2 - Display count-up with Line style
    • style: 3 - Display count-up with SemiCircle style
    • style: 4 - Display count-up with Circle style
  • Available mode:

    • mode: 0 - disabled mode
    • mode: 1 - use dpms (For raspbian 11 or raspbian 12 with x11 compositor)
    • mode: 2 - use xrandr (For raspbian 11 or raspbian 12 with x11 compositor)
    • mode: 3 - use wlr-randr (For raspbian 12 with wayfire compositor)
    • mode: 4 - use HDMI CEC
    • mode: 5 - use ddcutil
    • mode: 6 - use dpms (linux version for debian, ubuntu, ...)
    • mode: 7 - use labwc (For raspbian 12 with labwc compositor)
    • mode: 8 - use pinctrl for switching a relay

It's possible that pinctrl tool is not installed by default on your system (raspbian 11)
You can install it by using this command in your MMM-Pir folder: npm run pinctrl

Note for ddcutil:
For some displays, the getvcp commands cause the display to turn-on. In these cases it could be useful to set the display config value of ddcutil.skipSetVcpCheck to true.

Pir Sensor Configuration

Option Description Type Default
mode Detection mode (see bellow) Number 0
gpio BCM-number of the sensor pin. Number 21
  • Available mode:
    • mode: 0 - use node-libgpiod library
    • mode: 1 - use python script with gpiozero library

⚠ You can disable PIR Sensor detection by using gpio: 0

Motion Configuration

This Feature allows to control your screen with a webcam as a motion detector.

Option Description Type Default
captureIntervalTime Time in ms between capturing images for detection Number 1000
scoreThreshold Threshold minimum for an image to be considered significant Number 100
deviceId Disable, enable auto detection or Specify which camera to use in case multiple exist in the system. Number or String 0

Notes: deviceId value setting:

  • Disable Motion: deviceId: 0, (You don't have any webcam)
  • Enable device auto-detection: deviceId: 1,

In 99% of time auto-detection works but in case you have SooOOoo many webcam, open the developer console (npm start dev) and try:
await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() to get all devices and copy and past the deviceId of your needed device sample:
deviceId: "27d8c2a4b894149a2caae146d8f4bea9cd74c528453a5859ab18c2c764d7d2411",

Cron Configuration

This is the rule to turn your screen on and off based on a set time event

Option Description Type Default
mode cron mode (see bellow) Number 0
ON cron times to turn ON Screen Array []
OFF cron time to turn OFF Screen Array []
  • Available mode:
    • mode: 0 - Disable Cron using.
    • mode: 1 - Wake up / turn OFF automaticaly by CRON and use countdown
      • MMM-Pir timer will be used before turn off screen
      • Allow to use sensor/touch/camera when CRON ON is activated
      • When screen is OFF by cron, you can't wakeup it.
      • When screen is OFF by timer, you can wakeup it (by sensor, touch, camera)
    • mode: 2 - Your screen will be fully managed by cron
      • MMM-Pir timer will be not displayed and not used
      • You can't use touch mode, pir sensor or camera for wake up or turn off screen
    • mode: 3 - Wake up / turn OFF automaticaly by CRON and allow wake up
      • MMM-Pir timer will be used before turn off screen
      • Allow to use sensor/touch/camera when CRON ON is activated
      • When screen is OFF by cron or timer, you can wakeup it (by sensor, touch, camera)

CRON event (ON/OFF) have an object format:

  dayOfWeek: <Array of days>,
  hour: <hour>,
  minute: <minute>

dayOfWeek is an array of number This number define the day:

  • 0: Sunday
  • 1: Monday
  • 2: Tuesday
  • 3: Wednesday
  • 4: Thursday
  • 5: Friday
  • 6: Saturday

sample if you want to create an event from Monday to Thursday at 07h45:

  dayOfWeek: [1,2,3,4],
  hour: 7,
  minute: 45

sample if you want to create an event every Friday at 08h00

  dayOfWeek: [5],
  hour: 8,
  minute: 0

sample if you want to create an event from Monday to Friday at 17h00

  dayOfWeek: [1,2,3,4,5],
  hour: 17,
  minute: 0
Create ON/OFF events

Let's create ON and OFF now I want to apply this rules:

---> Screen is ON:

  • from Monday to Thursday at 07h45
  • every Friday at 08h00

So, ON rules will be:

ON: [
    dayOfWeek: [1,2,3,4],
    hour: 7,
    minute: 45
    dayOfWeek: [5],
    hour: 8,
    minute: 0

---> Screen is OFF

  • from Monday to Friday at 17h00

So, OFF rules will be:

OFF: [
    dayOfWeek: [1,2,3,4,5],
    hour: 17,
    minute: 0

Let's apply your own rules ! Don't be stupid! Don't create an ON event equal to OFF event

Touch Configuration

Option Description Type Default
mode Selected mode for enable/disable the screen with touch (see below) Number 3
  • Available mode:

    • touchMode: 0
      • Touch mode is disabled
    • touchMode: 1
      • One click on the screen will restart the timer (or Wake up the screen if needed)
      • Double Click on the screen will shutdown the screen
    • touchMode: 2
      • One Click on the MMM-Pir area will restart the timer
      • Long Click on the screen will shutdown or wake up the screen (toogle)
    • touchMode: 3
      • One Click on the MMM-Pir area will restart the timer
      • Doucle Click on the MMM-Pir area will shutdown the screen
      • One Click on the screen will wake up if shutdown
    • Notes:
      • If you lock your screen with TouchScreen, PIR sensor will be disabled
      • You need to unlock your screen with touchscreen to reactivate the PIR sensor

Governor Configuration

CPU governor enables the operating system to scale the CPU frequency up or down in order to save power or improve performance.

On each boot of your RPI, your governor is set automaticaly to ondemand.

This configuration allows to change it dynamicaly

Option Description Type Default
sleeping Governor number mode when your screen is turned off Number 4
working Governor number mode when your screen is turned on Number 2
  • Available sleeping and working mode:
    • 0: Disable any governor mode change
    • 1: Apply conservative governor mode
    • 2: Apply ondemand governor mode
    • 3: Apply userspace governor mode
    • 4: Apply powersave governor mode
    • 5: Apply performance governor mode

If you want a maximum of CPU power, performance is the best choice !

If you want an economy mode of CPU power, powersave is the best choice !

Sounds Configuration

Sounds configuration will play audio file when your screen turn on or off.

Option Description Type Default
on File to play when screen turn on String or 0 open.mp3
off File to play when screen turn off String or 0 close.mp3

You can personalize your sound, just past your file into sounds folder and report filename (with extension) in your configuration

You can disable sound by using 0 in your configuration

Developer Notes

  • This module broadcasts:

    • MMM_PIR-SCREEN_POWERSTATUS with payload true when your screen turn on.
    • MMM_PIR-SCREEN_POWERSTATUS with payload false when your screen turn off.
  • This module receive:

    • MMM_PIR-END notification to force the end of the count down.
    • MMM_PIR-WAKEUP notification to wake up the screen and reset count down.
    • MMM_PIR-LOCK notification keep the screen on and lock it (freeze counter and stop pir detection).
    • MMM_PIR-UNLOCK notification unlock the screen and restart counter and pir detection.


Manual update

In a terminal try this command:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Pir
npm run update

Automatic Update from updatenotification default module

Since MagicMirror² v2.27.x, we are able to Update automaticaly any modules from updatenotification.
Let's add MMM-Pir rule

    module: "updatenotification",
    position: "top_center",
    config: {
      updateAutorestart: true, // restart MagicMirror automaticaly after update
      updates: [
        // MMM-Pir rule
          "MMM-Pir": "npm run update"


For reinstall this module or when an update of MagicMirror² is available, you can use this command:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Pir
npm run rebuild


Pir and motion control for the MagicMirror








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