The project's goal is to provide API test coverage for the eMerchantPay ruby app.
- Operation system: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Node.js: v10.19.0
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
- Ruby on Rails application
- config.json: parameter storage - 'port', 'token', etc.
- config.js: provider for the parameters defined in config.json.
- api [folder]: mirrors the tested application API, as specific request files.
- payment-transaction-requests.jsnote: contains functions that wrap the request logic for sale, void transactions.
- test/sale-payment-transaction.spec.js: tests, that exam 'sale' transactions
- test/void-payment-transaction.spec.js: tests, that exam 'void' transactions
- test-design/test-design.xlsx - file with defined scenarious to be automated
- mocha: test runner
- chai: assertion framework
- request: simplifies HTTP calls
- babelnote: enables ES6 syntax (import vs require, etc.)
To run the tests do npm i
and npm test
note - got external help for the marked areas