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LogScale Query Primer
The CrowdStrike Query Language, aka CQL, is both powerful and beautiful. Based largely on open standards and the language of mathematics, it balances simplicity and functionality to help users find what they need, fast.
In this tutorial, we’ll use Falcon LTR data to up-level our CQL skills. To be clear: the content and concepts we will cover can be adapted and reused with any dataset that LogScale or Next-Gen SIEM happens to be ingesting (first-party, third-party, or otherwise).
We will start with the very basics and build on the queries as we go.
This is a very minor thing, but definitely something to be cognizant of. LogScale has the ability to apply "tags" to fields. In doing so, it allows LogScale to quickly and efficiently organize, include, or exclude large collections of events as you search. The application of tags to raw telemetry is all done for you transparently when dealing with Falcon LTR data by the parser. The reason we’re mentioning it is: two very important fields, event_simpleName
and cid
, are tagged in LogScale. Because of this, when you specify an event_simpleName
or cid
value in your LogScale syntax, you need to put a # (hash or pound) in front of that field. That’s it.
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 #cid=123456789012345678901234
If you forget, or want to know what other fields are tagged, you can just look in the LogScale sidebar:
Tags are extremely important when using queries, especially at scale. The tag tells LogScale where to search for the data. Think of it as a pointer saying "check these particular buckets of data". A blog describing this can be found here. The more specific the tag, the more optimized the search will be. The "efficiency" of the query can be measured by looking at the Work:
value at the bottom of the query. It's scored like golf where lower numbers are better.
Let's look at an example. In the following queries, we're looking for events that map an aid
to a ComputerName
. These events have multiple tags associated with them, primarily #kind
and #event_simpleName
. The #kind
tag has two values: Primary
and Secondary
. Basically every Falcon event will be a Primary
or Secondary
data type. With #kind
, we're dealing with extremely large "buckets" of data. On the other hand, #event_simpleName
is extremely specific to certain data types.
Using the larger "bucket" of #kind
// This is our tag.
// This is a filter within that tag looking for a specific data type.
| SecondaryEventType=aidmaster
// Group the results by aid and show the last ComputerName value for each.
| groupBy(aid, function=selectLast(ComputerName), limit=max)
Net result on that query? 124K work units. Remember that we're digging through extremely large buckets of data with the #kind
Let's try another version of that query. Instead of using the broad #kind=Secondary
tag, we're going to narrow this down to two extremely specific tags: #event_simpleName=AgentOnline
OR #event_simpleName=HostnameChanged
// Look at these extremely specific event types that have similar data.
#event_simpleName=AgentOnline OR #event_simpleName=HostnameChanged
// Group the results by aid and show the last ComputerName value for each.
| groupBy(aid, function=selectLast(ComputerName), limit=max)
The result? Only 4K work units, versus the previous 124K work units. That's a 31x reduction in the amount of resources used by the query. This can translate to a ton of time savings when you're dealing with extremely large data sets.
Moral of the story:
- Always use tags.
- The more specific the tag, the more optimized the query will likely be.
- Pay attention to the work units at the bottom. Lower is better.
LogScale is case sensitive when specifying fields and values. In a later section, we’ll cover how to override this with regex, for now just know that you will want to pay attention to the capitalization of commonly used fields like event_platform
You can make the search case-insensitive by using i
at the end of the query. For example:
// This is case-sensitive.
// This is case-insensitive.
It’s a small thing, but as you’re starting with LogScale it could trip you up. Just remember to check capitalization in your searches.
When viewing Falcon data in Event Search, many fields end with the string _decimal
and _readable
. Examples would be ProcessStartTime_decimal
, TargetProcessId_decimal
, UserSid_readable
, etc. Did you know that the sensor doesn’t actually send this data? It was a design decision made over 10 years ago. These strings are appended to the target field after the event reaches the CrowdStrike Security Cloud. In an attempt to fend off carpal tunnel, and keep things tidy, we do away with these now-extraneous bits in LTR. If you have searches that include _decimal
or _readable
field names in Event Search, you can just omit those dangling modifiers when using LogScale.
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 UserSid="S-1-5-18" TargetProcessId=8619187594
One of my favorite features in LogScale is the ability to use tab-to-complete when invoking query functions. There are hundreds of query functions available to you. They are documented here.
The tab-to-complete feature works automatically as you start typing in LogScale. When you see what you want, you can use the arrow keys and tab to leverage autocomplete.
Adding comments to query syntax in-line is extremely useful and simple. Comments can be created by typing two forward slashes ( //
) in the LogScale search query bar. The comment will highlight in green. You can add as many comments as you’d like as you search. Here is a quick example:
// Get all ProcessRollup2 events
// Search for system User SID
| UserSid="S-1-5-18"
// Count total executions
| count(aid, as=totalExecutions)
Adding comments to your syntax is a great way to facilitate knowledge transfer and make query triage much easier.
One very important thing to note is that LogScale functions expect epoch timestamps that include milliseconds and DO NOT account for them with a decimal point (ISO-8601). As an example, the following is a valid epoch timestamp in LogScale:
An easy rule is: epoch time stamps should have 13 digits and no decimal places. If they have only 10 digits, or contain 10 digits before the decimal point, you can simply multiply the target timestamp field by 1000.
// Account for microseconds or remove decimal point in timestamp
| myTimeStamp := myTimeStamp * 1000
Once in the appropriate epoch format, timestamps can be converted using formatTime
following the instructions here. A quick example would be:
// Convert ProcessStartTime to proper epoch format
| ProcessStartTime := ProcessStartTime * 1000
// Convert epoch Time to Human Time
| HumanTime := formatTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L", field=ProcessStartTime, locale=en_US, timezone=Z)
| select([ProcessStartTime, HumanTime, aid, ImageFileName])
Important: as you can see highlighted above, LogScale will automatically convert displayed timestamps to match your browsers default timezone. This default can be changed in your LogScale profile or you can change it ad hoc by using the dropdown selector. All timestamps are stored in UTC.
A very handy capability in LogScale is the use of the assignment operator. That’s this thing…
In Event Search, we would typically use eval in places where the assignment operator is used in LogScale. Here is a quick example:
| timeDelta := now() - (ProcessStartTime*1000)
What this says is: assign the value of the field timeDelta
the product of the current time minus the value or ProcessStartTime
multiplied by 1000
You can perform simple aggregations functions with the help of shortcuts located in the fields list on the left side of the screen. As an example, gather all user logon events for macOS:
#event_simpleName=UserLogon event_platform=Mac
On the left side of the screen, will be a list of the first 200 fields seen by LogScale. Let’s use the shortcuts — demarcated by three dots — to perform some aggregations. If we wanted to see the top UserName values, we could use the following:
Any of the other available aggregates or shortcuts can be used on the results. Note that if you click an aggregation it auto-searches, however, you can SHIFT+click to append the aggregation to the bottom of any query you already have in the search bar.
If you love regular expressions, you’re going to really love LogScale. Regular expressions can be invoked almost anywhere by encasing your regex in forward slashes. A quick example might be:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win ImageFileName=/\\(System32|SysWow64)\\/i
The following looks for process execution events with an ImageFileName
field that includes one of the following two values (with case insensitivity enabled): \System32\
or \SysWow64\
A few important things to note:
A starting and trailing wildcard is assumed. You don’t need to add .*
to the beginning or or the end of your regex. If you want a literal string-beginning or string-ending, you can anchor your regex with a ^
or $
respectively (e.g. /^powershell\.exe$/i
You can make your regex case insensitive by adding an i
at the end of the statement outside of the trailing forward slash.
You’re free to include field extractions in-line as well. Example:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win ImageFileName=/\\(?<systemFolder>(System32|SysWow64))\\/i
| groupBy([systemFolder, ImageFileName])
On occasion, you may want to leverage case statements to complete string substitutions within given fields. While there are several ways to accomplish this in LogScale, easiest and most common ways is below:
| case {
UserIsAdmin=1 | UserIsAdmin := "True" ;
UserIsAdmin := "False" ;
* ;
This is what we call a destructive case statement. The statement looks at the field UserIsAdmin
and, if the value of that field is “1,” it overwrites it with the string “True.” If the value of that field is “0,” it overwrites that value with “False.”
Non-destructive case statements can also be used:
| case {
UserIsAdmin=1 | UserIsAdmin_Readable := "True" ;
UserIsAdmin=0 | UserIsAdmin_Readable := "False" ;
* ;
Now, the statement looks at the field UserIsAdmin
and, if the value of that field is “1,” it sets the value of a new string UserIsAdmin_Readable
to “True.” If the value of that field is “0,” it sets the value of the new string UserIsAdmin_Readable
to “False.”
A large list of case statement transforms, for those interested, can be found on CrowdStrike’s GitHub page here.
In LogScale, users have the ability to save queries for fast and easy future reference. One extremely powerful capability LogScale also has is the ability to use saved queries as functions in new queries. Let’s use the example case statement from above.
We will run that case statement by itself and save it as a “Saved Query” with the name “ConvertUserIsAdmin.”
We can then invoke it in line:
| $UserIsAdmin()
| select([aid, UserName, UserSid, UserIsAdmin, UserIsAdmin_Readable])
To be clear, Saved Queries can be complete queries with formatted output that you want to reference or parts of queries that you wish to invoke as functions. They are extremely flexible and powerful.
In LogScale, using the select
function is akin to using table
in Event Search. After you have a fully formed query, and want to organize output into a tabular format, an example is below:
// Get all user logon events for User SID S-1-5-21-*
#event_simpleName=UserLogon event_platform=Win UserSid="S-1-5-21-*"
// Invoke saved query to enrich UserIsAdmin field
| $ConvertUserIsAdmin()
// Use select to output in tabular format
| select([@timestamp, aid, ClientComputerName, UserName, LogonType, UserIsAdmin_Readable])
The function table
still exists in LogScale, however, select
is more efficient.
One of the more powerful aggregate functions in LogScale is the use of groupBy
. The function groupBy
is akin to stats
in Event Search. One thing to keep in mind when using groupBy
is the use of parentheses and square brackets. To invoke an aggregate function, you open with parentheses. To perform that aggregation on multiple fields, you encase your fields or conditions in square brackets.
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win ImageFileName=/\\powershell\.exe/i
| groupBy(SHA256HashData, function=([count(aid, distinct=true, as=uniqueEndpoints), count(aid, as=totalExecutions), collect(CommandLine)]))
If we were to isolate the groupBy
statement above to make the clustering a little easier to understand, it would look like this:
| groupBy(SHA256HashData, function=([count(aid, distinct=true, as=uniqueEndpoints), count(aid, as=totalExecutions), collect(CommandLine)]))
Note the use of the square brackets after invoking function
. This is because we want to use multiple aggregations in this groupBy
If you wanted to groupBy
multiple fields, you would also use square brackets. As an example:
| groupBy([SHA256HashData, FileName], function=([count(aid, distinct=true, as=uniqueEndpoints), count(aid, as=totalExecutions), collect(CommandLine)]))
Note the first two fields specified immediately after groupBy
The same principle would be applied if we wanted to collect multiple fields.
| groupBy([SHA256HashData, FileName], function=([count(aid, distinct=true, as=uniqueEndpoints), count(aid, as=totalExecutions), collect([CommandLine, UserSid])]))
Note how:
collect([CommandLine, UserSid])
This takes a little practice, but once mastered the syntax is logical and very easy to interpret. To assist, LogScale will insert a closing parenthesis or closing square bracket when you open one.
Another unique feature of LogScale is the ability to include editable text boxes in query syntax. When combined with Saved Queries, this becomes a quick and easy way to reuse queries when the target of a search — like usernames, hostnames, or Agent ID values — change, but the query needs to stay the same. Here is an example:
// Get all DNS Request events
// Use regex to determine top level domain
| DomainName=/\.?(?<topLevelDomain>\w+\.\w+$)/i
// Create search box for top level domain
| topLevelDomain=?topLevelDomain
// Count number of domain variations by top level domain
| groupBy(topLevelDomain, function=(count(DomainName, distinct=true, as=domainVariations)))
As you can see, there is now an editable text box that will modify the search. It will default to a wild card, but analysts can enter criteria in here that will dynamically modify the search.
Multiple dynamic search boxes can be added to queries as desired. The format is:
Note that nameOfTextBox
can be changed to any string, but can not include spaces in this view (they can be edited in Dashboards).
Visualizing aggregated data with widgets can add additional context and assist in the creation of custom dashboards. When running a simple query, like this:
| groupBy("ProductName")`
Selecting the desired widget from the drop down is all that’s required.
LogScale will only allow you to select compatible widgets.
The desired visualization widget can also be specified in the query itself. As an example:
EventType = "Event_ExternalApiEvent" ExternalApiType = "Event_DetectionSummaryEvent"
| sankey(source="Tactic",target="Technique", weight=count(AgentIdString))
The “Save” button can be leveraged to add any query or widget to a custom dashboard.
After creating a visualization, you can customize its appearance using the format pane on the right hand side of the screen. It’s identified by a paintbrush icon.
Let’s create a quick pie chart:
EventType="Event_ExternalApiEvent" ExternalApiType="Event_DetectionSummaryEvent"
| groupBy(Severity)
By clicking the paintbrush in the middle left, we can change view, color, and series options for our chart…
When you select a visualization, the format pane will automatically adjust to include all available options. Please pick better colors than I did.
Using the match
function can be interchangeable with the case
function. A good rule of thumb is: if you know the target field you want to transform exists, there are some performance advantages with using match
. An example query using match might look like this:
#event_simpleName=UserLogon event_platform=Lin
| UserIsAdmin match {
1 => UserIsAdmin := "True" ;
0 => UserIsAdmin := "False" ;
| select([@timestamp, UserName, UID, LogonType, UserIsAdmin])
Since the field UserIsAdmin
will always be in the event UserLogon
, using match
can help improve the performance of large queries.
The format is:
| targetField match {
value1 => targetField := "substitution1" ;
value2 => targetField := "substitution2" ;
Regular expressions are an EXTREMELY powerful search tool and a core capability of LogScale. As mentioned in a previous section, regex can be invoked almost anywhere in LogScale using the query language. Below is a quick example of how to use a regular expression field extraction, combined with a case statement, to evaluate an application version. We’re looking for Chrome versions below 109.5414.
// Get InstalledApplication events for Google Chrome
#event_simpleName=InstalledApplication AppName="Google Chrome"
// Get latest AppVersion for each system
| groupBy(aid, function=([selectLast([AppVendor, AppName, AppVersion, InstallDate])]))
// Use regex to break AppVersion field into components
| AppVersion = /(?<majorVersion>\d+)\.(?<minorVersion>\d+)\.(?<buildNumber>\d+)\.(?<subBuildNumber>\d+)$/i
// Evaluate builds that need to be patched
| case {
majorVersion>=110 | needsPatch := "No" ;
majorVersion>=109 AND buildNumber >= 5414 | needsPatch := "No" ;
majorVersion<=109 AND buildNumber < 5414 | needsPatch := "Yes" ;
majorVersion<=108 | needsPatch := "Yes" ;
// Check for needed update and Organize Output
| needsPatch = "Yes"
| select([aid, InstallDate, needsPatch, AppVendor, AppName, AppVersion, InstallDate])
// Convert timestamp
| InstallDate := InstallDate *1000
| InstallDate := formatTime("%Y-%m-%d", field=InstallDate, locale=en_US, timezone=Z)
By default, when using regular expression extractions, they are strict. Meaning if the data being searched does not match, it will be omitted. A quick example would be:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 ImageFileName=/\\(?<fileName>\w{3}\.\w{3}$)/i
What this looks for is a file with a name that is three characters long and has an extension that is three characters long. If that condition is not matched, data is not returned:
We can also use non-strict field extractions like so:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 ImageFileName=/\\(?<fileName>\w+\.\w+$)/i
| regex("(?<fourLetterFileName>^\w{4})\.exe", field=fileName, strict=false)
| groupBy([fileName, fourLetterFileName])
The above looks for file names that contain four characters. If that does not match, that field is left as null.
Now that we have documented some useful capabilities, let’s go over the basics of building a query.
First rule, if you can start you query using any field that is tagged (demarcated with a pound sign), do it! This allows LogScale to efficiently and ruthlessly discard large swaths of events that you are not interested in. The field used most often is #event_simpleName
In the example below, we’ll look for any PowerShell execution on a Windows system that includes flags for an encoded command line and is being run by the system user.
Okay, so the first step is we need all Windows process execution events. The easiest and quickest way to get all those events and narrow the dataset is as follows:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
Next, we’ll look for all PowerShell executions:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\powershell(_ise)?.exe/i
In this instance, we're using a regex function on the field ImageFileName
to look for the strings powershell.exe
or powershell_ise.exe
. The letter i
outside of the trailing forward slash indicates that it should ignore case sensitivity.
Now, we want to find command line flags that are indicative of an encoded command being run. Since there are a few options, we’ll use regex to account for the different permutations of the target flag.
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?\s+/i
We need to capture the following flags (no pun intended):
Using regex, we can make a single statement that accounts for all of these.
If we wanted to get really fancy, we could pair this regex search with a string extraction to put the encoded command flag that was used in its own field. As an example:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-(?<encodedFlagUsed>e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?)\s+/i
This performs the same search previously used, however, it now stores the flag value in a field named encodedFlagUsed
Per our search requirements, next is making sure this is being run by the system user:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-(?<encodedFlagUsed>e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?)\s+/i
| UserSid="S-1-5-18"
Finally, we will organize the output using groupBy to look for the least common command line variations and put them in ascending order of that count:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-(?<encodedFlagUsed>e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?)\s+/i
| UserSid="S-1-5-18"
| groupBy([encodedFlagUsed, CommandLine], function=(count(aid, as=executionCount)))
| sort(executionCount, order=asc)
Note, if you wanted to expand this to all users — not just the system user — you could delete or comment out the fourth line in the query like so:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-(?<encodedFlagUsed>e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?)\s+/i
// | UserSid="S-1-5-18"
| groupBy([encodedFlagUsed, CommandLine], function=(count(aid, as=executionCount)))
| sort(executionCount, order=asc)
You could also add a threshold, if desired with the test command:
#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2 event_platform=Win
| ImageFileName=/\\powershell(_ise)?\.exe/i
| CommandLine=/\-(?<encodedFlagUsed>e(nc|ncodedcommand|ncoded)?)\s+/i
//| UserSid="S-1-5-18"
| groupBy([encodedFlagUsed, CommandLine], function=(count(aid, as=executionCount)))
| test(executionCount < 10)
| sort(executionCount, order=asc)
We could trim the CommandLine
string using format
to only include the first 100 characters to make things more readable. We would add this before our final aggregation:
| format("%,.100s", field=CommandLine, as=CommandLine)
And now we have a complete query!
If we wanted to do some visualization, we could change our parameters a bit to look for outliers:
Based on this data, the use of the flags enc
and encodedCommand
(with that spelling) are not common in my environment. A hunting query, scheduled alert, or Custom IOA could be beneficial.
When creating dashboards or saved searches, the ability to create hyperlinks using fields from the search results can come in handy. For this, we’ll use the function format
. As an example, let’s say we want to: search for executable files written to a system’s "Downloads" folder, create a list, and include a hyperlink to VirusTotal and Hybrid Analysis.
First, let’s get the data we need and do some simple regex extractions:
| TargetFileName=/\\Downloads\\/
| TargetFileName=/(?<FilePath>.+\\)(?<FileName>.+$)/i
Now, we’ll use our format
command to create hyperlinks and organize with groupBy
| TargetFileName=/\\Downloads\\/
| TargetFileName=/(?<FilePath>.+\\)(?<FileName>.+$)/i
// Virus Total
| format("[Virus Total](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/%s)", field=[SHA256HashData], as="VT")
// Hybrid Analysis
| format("[Hybrid Analysis](https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/search?query=%s)", field=[SHA256HashData], as="HA")
| groupBy([aid, FileName], function=collect([FileName, FilePath, VT, HA]))
If you click the "Virus Total" or "Hybrid Analysis" link, it will direct you to the appropriate website with the correct data included for the given SHA256.
We can break this down a bit more. What we’re doing is, colloquially, called dorking. Meaning: the URL format for VirusTotal and Hybrid Analysis is known. If we create a URL, and include some data from our search results, we can hard link to external information. For Hybrid Analysis, the format of the URL is:
The red section is dynamic, but we have the SHA256 value or the files we’re interested in in our query results. So, using format
, we can dork, this hyperlink:
| format("[Hybrid Analysis](https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/search?query=%s)", field=[SHA256HashData], as="HA")
The text between the braces is what the hyperlink name will be. The text in the "as" statement will be the column title in the aggregate output. You could use this link any time you have a SHA256 value in LogScale.
You could also, as an example, use an Agent ID value to make a one-click RTR link:
// RTR
| format("[RTR Link](https://falcon.crowdstrike.com/
activity/real-time-response/console?start=hosts&aid=%s=f)", field=[aid], as="RTR")
Clicking this link, will initiate an RTR session for the aid associated with the event.
If you have other third-party or internal tooling or resources, make sure to check if the associated URLs are standardized and dorkable.
Trim a field to be shorter. Only show the first 50 characters of the field CommandLine
| format("%,.50s", field=CommandLine, as=shortCmdLine)
| select([shortCmdLine, CommandLine])
Calculate the average password age, in days, of Admin and Standard user accounts and then round those values to a whole number:
| groupBy(UserIsAdmin, function=(avg(PasswordLastSet, as=avgPswdAge)))
| AvgPaswdAgeDays := now() - (avgPswdAge*1000)
| AvgPaswdAgeDays := AvgPaswdAgeDays/1000/60/60/24
| format("%,.0f",field=["AvgPaswdAgeDays"], as="PasswordLastSetDaysRounded")
Set a default field value. Similar to fillnull
in Splunk. If the field GrandParentBaseFilename
is blank, set it to the value "Unknown."
| default(field=GrandParentBaseFileName, value="Unknown")
| select([GrandParentBaseFileName, ParentBaseFileName, ImageFileName])
Similar to where
in Splunk, check one field value against another. In this example, see if a username has completed more than 25 logons in a given search window:
| groupBy(UserName, function=(count(aid, as=totalLogons)))
| test(totalLogons > 25)
Using a built-in geoip database and the function worldmap
to map all SSH connections.
#event_simpleName=UserLogon event_platform=Lin LogonType="10"
| !cidr(RemoteAddressIP4, subnet=["", "", "", "", "", "", ""])
| ipLocation(RemoteAddressIP4)
| worldMap(lat=RemoteAddressIP4.lat, lon=RemoteAddressIP4.lon, magnitude=count(RemoteAddressIP4))
Omit internal IP addresses when keying in on remote IP addresses.
| !cidr(RemoteAddressIP4, subnet=["", "", "", "", "", "", ""])
Create a process lineage one-liner that includes grandparent, parent, and target processes using format
| default(field=GrandParentBaseFileName, value="Unknown")
| format(format="%s > %s > %s", field=[GrandParentBaseFileName, ParentBaseFileName, FileName], as="processLineage")
| select([aid, TargetProcessId, processLineage])
Query a single field for multiple values using the in
| in(LogonType, values=["2","10"])
| select([@timestmap, UserSid, UserName, LogonType, ClientComputerName])
Take the fields UID
and UserSid
and make them a new field named userIdentifier
| concat([UID, UserSid], as="userIdentifier")
| select([@timestamp, aid, userIdentifier, ImageFileName])
Note that the specified lookup table must exist under "Files." In this instance, we’ll check for common ports and create a new field with their associated protocol.
| match(file="service-names-port-numbers.csv", field=LocalPort, include=ServiceName, ignoreCase=true, strict=false)
| select([@timestamp, aid, LocalPort, ServiceName, RemoteAddressIP4])
#event_simpleName=UserLogonFailed2 event_platform=Win
| SubStatus_hex := format(field=SubStatus, "0x%X")
| select([@timestamp, aid, UserName, LogonType, SubStatus, SubStatus_hex])