#Cubic Chunks Minecraft Mod

This MinecraftForge mod extends Minecraft height and depth to 8388608 in both directions (this height is limitation of save format).
###Running in dev environment
To run this mod from your IDE you need to add at least the following JVM options:
-Dfml.coreMods.load=cubicchunks.asm.CubicChunksCoreMod -Dmixin.env.compatLevel=JAVA_8
Some other useful options:
- enable mixin verbose output
- export classes after applying mixins to run/.mixin.out/
, if you add this director as library - it allows you to set breakpoints in mixins and see decompiled code after applying mixins in IDE
- enable cubic chunks debug options
- some parts of cubic chunks code cause fast throw hen they fail, use when you see exception with no stacktrace