Docker build service for Fedora. It will be integrated with koji (and copr) build system, fedmsg, Taskotron and other tools in Fedora infrastructure.
We are not trying to compete with Docker Hub. Quite opposite. We would like to create an environment where Fedora users could very easily build images using Fedora infrastructure, test them and push them wherever they want (To Docker Hub for example).
DBS is designed for Fedora 21. Enable copr repository:
sudo dnf copr enable jdornak/DBuildService
Install packages:
sudo dnf install dbs-server
Check the configuration files:
sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/dbs.conf
sudo vim /etc/dbs/site_settings
Use the commandline interface to create user:
sudo dbs createsuperuser
If you want build images, you need to have worker running and need to have build image. Easiest way to get a build image is to clone dock and do make build-buildimage
DBS is designed for Fedora 21. Follow the installation steps. You do not need package dbs-server itself, but you need all it's requirements.
Clone the git repository:
git clone
cd dbs-server
Initialize development database:
./ syncdb
Run a local Docker registry in order to store the built images:
docker run -p 5000:5000 registry
Run development server:
./ runserver
Run worker:
./ celery worker -l INFO
For connecting from different machine, listen on all networks and open port in Firewall. For Fedora 21 this can be done so:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8000/tcp
./ runserver
In the future we will start using Django migrations but now it is easier to always drop and rebuild the database with the current schema. To keep the data, you need to dump it and then load it back:
# dump data
./ dumpdata --indent=4 > data.json
# make some changes to the models
# ...
# rebuild the database
rm data/db.sqlite3; ./ syncdb --noinput
# load data (you may need to edit data.json to match updated schema)
./ loaddata data.json
Install tito and mock:
dnf install tito mock
To build RPM locally:
# build from the latest tagged release
tito build --rpm
# or build from the latest commit
tito build --rpm --test
To build RPM using mock:
SRPM=`tito build --srpm --test | egrep -o '/tmp/tito/dbs-server-.*\.src\.rpm'`
sudo mock -r fedora-21-x86_64 $SRPM
First you need to set up rel-eng/releasers.conf:
sed "s/<USERNAME>/$USERNAME/" < rel-eng/releasers.conf.template > rel-eng/releasers.conf
To submit build from the latest commit type:
tito release copr-test
To submit build from the latest tag type:
tito release copr