This repository is the new home for the THPS fonts hunt started back in 2014. The original thread titled "THPS source fonts (TrueType, vector, HD, whatever)" was hosted on website (archived link).
Call me a font maniac, as I'm the one who was bored enough to write the font tool for THPS games and now this, but fonts are actually a very important part of game design. Anyways, if you ever wanted to write something using a font from a Tony Hawk game, chances are that you will find it here. For a long time I thought these games use some exclusive designs, cause I never seen these fonts outside Tony Hawk games, but occasionaly this is not the case. Most of these fonts, if not all of them, actually have their Truetype sources. However, most of these fonts are commercial, but it doesn't hurt to try it on a preview page. So prepare yourself to scroll down if you're interested in. Of course a lot of fonts are missing for now, so if by a chance you're familiar with other sources, share the knowledge.
Since we're on hosted on the Github now, feel free to open issues to discuss potential candidates. You can also join the LegacyThps server on Discord or write me an e-mail if you wish. Any contributions are welcome.
Credit where credit's due. People contributed to the list:
- dcxdemo, ThAeM, AxlRocks
- WhatTheFont: Tecnotronic, Lobotomy
- GIthub/LegacyThps: Zedek, bAstimc
Please keep in mind that most fonts used in Tony Hawk's games are licensed and are not free to use. Please thoroughly refer to the font's license before using it in your project. The MIT license in this repo refers to the collected and structured information about these fonts, not to the fonts themselves!
There are many fonts yet to be found. Refer to open issues for more info. Here's a brief list of most wanted fonts so far:
- THPS2 career goal font (comic sans?)
- THPS2x header font (main menu title, paused text) #5
- THPS3 trick string (gonzalez?) #4
- THPS4 trick string #11
- THUG trick string #10
- THUG logo font #6
- THAW UI font (some typewriter font)
- TH Downhill Jam trick string #7
- TH Downhill Jam UI font
- THP8 UI font
- THPS5 logo font
- THPS1+2 logo font
Some missing font samples for the reference:
- Link:
- Usage: THPS1 logo upper part, "tony hawk's"
Probably the most unimpressive font ever used in a Tony Hawk's game. You can see letters N and A are lowercase, this is somewhat Neversoft used a lot in their designs. Also, the apostrophe is a bit different in the actual font, it looks like they just put the comma up there.
- Author: John Weise, T-26
- Link:
- Usage: THPS1 logo lower part, "pro skater"
You can see everything is pretty same except the T letter. We know for sure Neversoft just edited T in cause the original Lithia T can be seen on the back cover.
- Link:
- Usage: nearly every in-game string - trick font, menu items font, headers font
The signature "THPS1" font. While searching for this one I found several threads where people were hopelessly asking what font it is. ITC Machine it is. You can find several differences in the game font, but I believe those are caused due to low resolution of the original bitmaps. The actual font is not as wide as well, I did not find any wider version than the bold one.
- Author: Mattia Marchi
- Link:
- Usage: menu font on the right side (options, player select, etc)
A rather random font name, ain't it? Basically, it's a highly eroded variant of Impact.
- Author: Ray Larabie, Typodermic Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: PAUSED text in pause menu
Basically, RCA font. Thanks AxlRocks for this contribution.
- Link:
- Usage: pro skater named on the cover art, promo materials
A fat roundish look gives this one away instantly. You can also find it on the Tony Hawk's Motion cover.
- Author: Peter Bruhn, T-26
- Link:
- Usage: THPS2 logo
I always thought this was an exclusive design, however, here is the original font. Wherever you'll see this, you'll say it's so THPS2. You can clearly see they squished the text a bit for the logo.
- Author: Ray Larabie, Typodermic Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: pretty much everything in THPS2 including trick string, menus, loadscreens, etc.
This font is kinda old, though I've never seen it anywhere else but THPS2 until fortunately, some guys used variation of this font in their trailer, which helped to identify it. It was inspired by NASA logo.
- Author: Ray Larabie, Typodermic Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: menu background title and loadscreens
GTA? Yeah, it is. Except Neversoft messed a lot with letter sizes.
- Link:
- Usage: goal check list
It becomes obvious if you'll check the GBA version, since they had to make the text larger. Other versions make it barely recognizable due to the low resolution of the font.
- Author: Martin Pfeiffer
- Link:
- Usage: PAUSED text as well as various background images
A "marker" handwritten font, easily recognizable by its letter E.
- Author: Ray Larabie, Typodermic Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: trick string, various menus
There are Bolt Bt vibes from THUG2 in this font, the one used all over the game, replacing Nasalization on xbox. The key to this font was simple - the file name was actually just "kimberley".
- Author: Rian Hughes, Device
- Link:
- Usage: THPS3 logo, THPS4 logo, MHPB2 logo and other Activision O2 titles
It was basically the font that started it all. PDF files contain meta information about the fonts used and Ritafurey was one of them. You can see the N letter is small again.
- Link:
- Usage: loading screens, menu titles
Agressive "street" font. It was so cool back then. Funny fact is that it was actively used during development of THPS1. You can notice this font all around the early THPS1 beta builds.
- Link:
- Usage: game type loadscreens like CTF, CZ, etc.
It was a surprise to find this font, even though it's probably not that important and way less known.
- Link:
- Usage: this is the font used to write the copyright text and game type explanations on loading screens.
This font was used a lot during the development for the advertisement as seen on promotional beta screenshots.
- Link:
- Usage: menu font. also the LOADING... string on the initial loadscreen.
Some of these fonts are surprisingly old. Even though it's very simple, you will recognize it instantly.
Onani (#12)
- Link:
- Usage: stance indicator, beta dialog font
A narrow streamlined font, quite unfortunate they didn't keep it for dialogs as planned.
- Link:
- Usage: trick string
The original font is so low-res, it's hard to tell what exactly was used. Gonzalez is the best guess we've got so far to be used as a replacement.
- Link:
- Usage: loading screens, various messages and menus
Another great font linked to the game in your mind. Remember THPS4 had a lot of 80s music, so were the fonts.
- Link:
- Usage: helper text, dialogs, text input etc.
This font is pretty common, no doubt you've seen it in the wilds.
- Author: Claes Källarsson, Fuel Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: menu titles.
Thanks ThAEm, we've got this one. A rather weird name. This font was probably edited by Neversoft, as you may notice p and d are way taller.
- Link:
- Usage: pro skater primary subtitling in the intro
This font is used for large scrolling pro skater names in the intro. This font also found in the unused score.fnt in THPS3. It was intended to be the timer font in thps3 at some point.
- Link:
- Usage: pro skater secondary subtitling in the intro
There just had to be Serpentine in there. It was just everywhere, including DOOM 3.
- Link:
- Usage: some promo materials (daisy cheat code reveal)
This blocky font is easy to recognize, it was used to reveal the infamous (o)(o)
- Author: Ray Larabie, Typodermic Fonts
- Link:
- Usage: loading screens, several titles
Pretty much mainstream kewl font. It looks pretty nice indeed, but it shouldn't be overused, that's why you can see just a bit of it in THUG.
- Link:
- Usage: LOADING text
This font was also used for MAFIA video game logo. I don't quite remember if it is used anywhere else in THUG, but here it is. Apparently, L is rotated 7 and I is mirrored 1.
- Link:
- Usage: trick string
No doubt this font looks familiar, you, THUG2 maniacs. This font was later reused in THAW as a dialog font.
- Link:
- Usage: dialog font
So this one turned out to be the good old Impact we all know and love. Or maybe we don't, but it doesn't change the fact.
- Link:
- Usage: menu text
Stretched vertically.
- Link:
- Usage: loadscreen titles
Another stencil font, used as a font for classic level names. Only used on the loading screens.
- Author: Milton Glaser
- Link:
- Usage: trick string
Stencil font is a hell to find, but when you do, it's rewarding. This huge O always looks cool, no matter how long you stare. Keep in mind this font was created in 1967, there are many digital adaptations from different foundries.
- Link:
- Usage: various menu headers
Looks like an old western saloon font, especially this stencil variant, the original font however is not stencil, but it's as close as you can get.
- Link:
- Usage: special meter/score graphic
Contributed by AxlRocks. "Also, the "Paused" graphic for the Flip sponsor theme in THUG1 uses it as well."
SF Ironsides (#8)
- Link:
- Usage: the "cross" logo on the loading screen, character names in the intro and 3-2-1-GO! sequence.
- Link:
- Usage: pro skater names in presentation cutscenes
Cafeta (#9)
- Author: Iñaki Marquínez
- Link:
- Usage: basically big noodle titling replacement
- Author: Identikal, T.26
- Link:
- Usage: trick string
Contributed by ThAeM a long time ago, finally here.
- Author: John Roshell, Comicraft
- Link:
- Usage: various titles
Used for most titles in the game. They used lowercase letters and 1 instead of I.
- Link:
- Usage: logo
This font doesn't have an italic version, must be edited.
- Link:
- Usage: logo
- Link:
- Usage: logo
2 fonts 1 logo
- Link:
- Usage: trick string
The font is rather small in the game, but that 5 shape definitely gives it away.
- Link:
- Usage: various dialog messages, score
A rather old and famous western typeface
- Link:
- Usage: UI titles
Funny bold font. Robomodo is not that good at font picking, but this one is fine.
- Link:
- Usage: various UI elements, menus, etc.
Nothing spectacular.
- Author: Identikal, T.26
- Link:
- Usage: trickstring, pro bios, some UI descriptions.
THPS5 definitely was a font fest, you can find up to 4 different fonts on the same screen!
- Link:
- Usage: skater customization screen - tab titles, tricks
- Link:
- Usage: Main menu and various menu titles
They used particularly "Sonic Std Cut Thru Heavy" font face, the original one has cuts on multiple letters.
- Link:
- Usage: trick string and pretty much everything else.
The font you're looking at while you play.
Teko (#14)
- Author: Indian Type Foundry
- Link:
- Usage: various promo materials
It seems this one never appears in the game, but it was extensively used in promotion.