Initial rest APIs
Added model parameter to the /process API
Added custom character end points /character
Added the “sim” parameter to API 3: Start Video Processing
Added the “camera” parameter to API 3: Start Video Processing
Added webhook APIs
Added footLockingMode parameter to the /process API
Added new minutesBalance API
Added flag “createThumb” to /character/storeModel API
Exposed mp4 render out parameters in /process API
Added Face Tracking parameter in /process API
Added /videoInfo API
Added videoSpeedMultiplier, poseFilteringStrength, rootAtOrigin parameters & new mp4 options in /process API
Added /character/deleteModel API
Added trim & crop parameters in /process API
Added /account/creditBalance API
Added Hand/Finger Tracking parameter in /process API
Added parameter for rerunning a job in /process API. API Error codes with information have been added.
Added error messages
Added stockModel query param in /listModels api
Added experimental multi person api
The Animate 3D REST API lets you convert videos into 3D animations without having to use the DeepMotion Web Portal. Instead you can upload, process, and download the resulting FBX/BVH animations directly from an external application like a web or desktop app.
The Animate 3D REST API uses basic HTTP Authentication to keep your requests and data secure. To use the API you will need a Client ID and a **Client Secret **which are provided by DeepMotion. If you do not have these please contact DeepMotion Support or your sales representative.
To retrieve your API access token you need to add the following Authorization header to your token request:
Authorization: Basic Base64(<clientId>:<clientSecret>)
where the value of <clientId>:<clientSecret>
is base 64 encoded. For Example, if your Client ID is 1a2b
and your client Secret is 3c4d
then your authorization header should look like this:
Authorization: Basic MWEyYjozYzRk
where MWEyYjozYzRk
is the base64 encoded value of 1a2b:3c4d.
All Animate 3D API requests must be made against the following base URL using the HTTPS protocol and port:
Production Environment: (Contact DeepMotion)
For using our API from browser javascript locally (to avoid CORS error), please send request from any of the origin below:
For production deployment, please let us know your production url (scheme, host, port), so that we can configure our CORS setting accordingly.
API 1: Get Access Token
Desc | Authenticate client credentials and returns a time limited session cookie to be used in the subsequent REST API calls. After the session expiration, this API needs to be called again to get a new session cookie |
Method + URI | GET {host}/session/auth |
Header(s) | Authorization: Basic Base64(<clientId>:<clientSecret>) |
Request | |
Response | Sample Response Header:
set-cookie: dmsess=s%3AEsF23MoyDEq7tTWQM8KfA_wjKkSrOFwU.2fjJTfDP%2FT2BeA5DFenwOH4t8XzqZsbSc6M2mZwS%2BWg;; Path=/; Expires=Mon, 03 Aug 2020 13:36:26 GMT; HttpOnly (Note: dmsess is the session cookie. This cookie needs to be sent in all subsequent REST API calls. Sample Request Header for other API calls: cookie:dmsess=s%3AEsF23MoyDEq7tTWQM8KfA_wjKkSrOFwU.2fjJTfDP%2FT2BeA5DFenwOH4t8XzqZsbSc6M2mZwS%2BWg) |
API 2: Upload Video
Desc | Retrieves a signed url to upload video |
Method + URI | GET {host}/upload |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | Query parameters:
<name>: video/image file name with extension (like test.mp4 or test.jpg) <resumable>: 0 or 1(default) returns resumable or regular signed url (optional) |
Response | JSON object:
{ "url": signed url } After retrieving the url, actual video upload is required to that storage url. If ’resumable’ option is set in the request, we need one POST and one subsequent PUT request, otherwise a single PUT request will do the job. POST request to url: <x-goog-resumable>: start (set in the request header) <location>: resumable url (set in the response header by server) Put request to resumable url/url: attach raw bytes of the video file in the request body. |
API 3: Start Video Processing
Desc | Start processing video after file has been uploaded to the designated URL | ||||
Method + URI | POST {host}/process | ||||
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> | ||||
Request | POST body should include a JSON object:
{ “url”: <upload url> “rid”: <previous successful job’s request id> “processor”: <processor_id> “params": [<params>, ...] } <upload_url> should match url returned from GET /upload request. To rerun a job with different parameters, “rid” input should be used instead of “url”.
<processor_id> specifies which processor to use to process the video file, must be one of the following:
<params> specifies additional parameters that will be passed to the specified processor, for example: "params": [ "config=configDefault",formats=bvh,fbx,mp4,model=<modelId> ] For static pose, png/jpg can be included in the formats parameter, like: formats=bvh,fbx,png (to output rendered image instead of rendered video) Additional important parameter: sim This physics simulation parameter needs more clarification. This parameter influences Pose Estimation result to improve it in some cases like body parts inter penetration etc. If we would like to turn this ON, add sim=1 OR add sim=0 to turn it OFF. If we don’t add this parameter, simulation is turned off by default. Added face tracking support: trackFace
Added hand tracking support: trackHand
Another new parameter is: poseEstimation.footLockingMode or simply footLockingMode
We have added few new parameters for better body tracking results: **poseEstimation.videoSpeedMultiplier **or simply videoSpeedMultiplier
**poseEstimation.poseFilteringStrength **or simply poseFilteringStrength
Trim (input video only) & Cropping( input video/image)
Mp4 render out parameters: render.bgColor=0,177,64,0 (RGBA color code in the range of 0-255 for each channel, please note, the last channel (alpha) value is not in effect ) render.backdrop=studio **render.bgColor=0,177,64,0 **
**render.shadow=1 **
values are below. Default is 0 0 (Cinematic) The character is kept in the center of the frame 1 (Fixed) Camera will stay fixed relative to the background 2 (Face) Camera keeps the torso and face in the center of frame |
**Response** | JSON object:
{ "rid": <request id> } |
API 4: Poll for Job Status
Desc | Polls for real-time status of a given processing job | ||||||||||
Method + URI | GET {host}/status/rid
GET {host}/status/rid1,rid2,..,rid |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> | ||||||||||
Request | Clients can request current status of previously submitted processing requests (API3).
Use comma (‘,’) to separate multiple request ids if retrieving status for more than 1 request. |
Response | JSON object:
{ "count": <number of records in status array>, "status": [ <status>, … … ] } Each element in status array is a JSON object: { "rid": <request id>, "status": <status name> "details": <status details, see below> } <status name> is one of the following case sensitive values:
<status details> for PROGRESS: { “step”: <current step>, “total”: <expected total number of steps> } <status details> for SUCCESS: { “In”: <original video file>, “out”: <processed video file> } <status details> for RETRY and FAILURE include last error message. Currently the format is: { “exc_message”: <exception message, if any>, “exc_type”: <exception type, if any> } But please note the format may change if we decide to mask error information (or pass more information) to client applications. |
API 5: Get Download URLs
Desc | Get download URLs for the specified request ids |
Method + URI | GET {host}/download/rid
GET {host}/download/rid1,rid2,...,rid |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | Clients can request download URLs for finished processing requests.
Use comma (‘,’) to separate request ids if retrieving download URLs for multiple processing requests. |
Response | JSON object:
{ “count”: <number of records in links array>, “links”: [ <link>, … ... ] } Each element in links array is a JSON object: { “rid”: <request id>, “name”: <name of the video> “size”: <size of the video> “duration”: <duration of the video> “input”: <link of the video> “urls”: [ { “name”: <name of the downloadable item> “files”: <links of the files by extension> [ { <file type>: <URL to download the corresponding file>}, {<file type>: <URL to download the corresponding file>} ] } ] } For example, if a processor outputs both bvh and fbx files, then the download link object will look like: { “rid”: “1234567890”, “urls”:[ { “files”: [ {“bvh”: “https://.../…”}, {“fbx”: “https://.../…”} ] }] } Please note that if the specified request has not finished yet or has failed, the response will not include any download urls, and the link object will look like: { “rid”: “1234567890” } Note: .dmpe format is available with the name landmarks.dmpe |
API 6: List All Video Processing requests by Status
Desc | List past and current request ids
Note: failed jobs and old jobs may be removed by system after a predefined retention period |
Method + URI | GET {host}/list
GET {host}/list/status1,...,status |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> | ||||||||||||||||
Request | Client can request to get list of existing request ids of current user
Client can specify one or multiple status value(s) to retrieve only request ids with the same status value(s). For example, GET /list/PROGRESS will only return list of requests that are still being processed |
Response | JSON object:
{ "count": <number of records in the rids array>, "list": [ { "rid": "1234567890-1234567890-1234", "fileName":"", "fileSize":0, "fileDuration":0, "status": "PROGRESS", "ctime": <creation time>, "mtime": <last modification time> }, ... ... ] } Each element in list is a JSON object with the following fields defined:
API 7: Credit Balance
Desc | Retrieves Credit Balance for an user |
Method + URI | GET {host}/account/creditBalance |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | n/a |
Response | JSON object:
{ "credits":<value> } |
API 8: Input Video Information
Desc | Get Video information such as resolution, fps etc. |
Method + URI | POST {host}/videoInfo |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | POST body should include a JSON object:
{ “url”: <upload url> } <upload_url> should match url returned from GET /upload request AND the video needs to be uploaded to that url in GCS before calling this API |
Response | JSON object:
{"width":1080,"height":1080,"fps":30,"duration":3,"codec":"h264","size":186615} |
**Note: **To make uploaded model(s) available to all animation jobs, please make sure x-useruid HTTP(S) header should have not been passed to the {host}/auth API to get the session for API 1 and API 2 below.
API 1: Model Upload Url
Desc | Retrieves signed urls to upload 3d model data(fbx, glb, gltf, or vrm format) and thumbnail(preferably png format) |
Method + URI | GET {host}/character/getModelUploadUrl |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | Query parameters:
<name>: base name of the files (without extension) (optional) <modelExt>: file extension of the model file. Example: fbx (optional) <thumbExt>: file extension of the thumb file. Example: jpg (optional) <resumable>: 0 or 1(default) returns resumable or regular signed url (optional) |
Response | JSON object:
{ “modelUrl”: signed url “thumbUrl”: signed url } After retrieving the urls, actual model & thumbnail upload are required to that storage urls. If ’resumable’ option is set in the request, we need one POST and one subsequent PUT request for each signed url, otherwise a single PUT request will do the job per url. POST request to url: <x-goog-resumable>: start (set in the request header) <location>: resumable url (set in the response header by server) PUT request to resumable url location/url: attach raw bytes of the model or thumbnail file in the request body. |
API 2: Store Model
Desc | Store the asset paths returned from getModelUploadUrl in database |
Method + URI | POST {host}/character/storeModel |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | Body parameters:
<modelUrl>: model url returned from API 1 (optional if <modelId> is provided) <modelName>: model name (optional) <thumbUrl>: thumbnail url returned from API 1 (optional) <modelId>: model id to update existing model info (name or thumb) (optional if <modelUrl> is provided) <createThumb>: 0 (default) or 1, indicate if the thumbnail of the model needs to be generated (optional) |
Response | JSON object:
{ “modelId: Unique model id that can be passed to video process API } |
API 3: List Models
Desc | List models based on specific query or without |
Method + URI | GET {host}/character/listModels |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | Query parameters:
<modelId>: existing model id (optional) <searchToken>: for example search by model name (optional) <stockModel>: = When this parameter is supplied, all stock models (including deepmotion & roblox) will return in api response along with the account's custom models. Beside that, each model details now include a platform field which can be one of the below values : custom, deepmotion, roblox . (optional) |
Response | JSON object:
[ { “Id: Unique model id that can be passed to video process API “name”: name of the model “thumb”: url of the thumbnail if exist “rigId”: rigTemplate id with which this model is associated with “ctime”: creation timestamp “mtime”: modification timestamp “platform”: platform of the model } ] |
API 4: Delete Model
Desc | Delete model with specific model ID |
Method + URI | DELETE {host}/character/deleteModel/<model ID> |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | |
Response | JSON object:
{ “count”: number of models that have been deleted } |
HTTP POST payloads that are delivered to your webhook's configured URL endpoint will contain the following headers:
X-DeepMotion-Signature: <signature>
Note: Signature is your client ID. It is supposed to be verified by your event handling code.
The event body is a JSON object described below:
"eventType": <event type>,
"data" <event data>
The following table explains the currently supported event types and their data sub-attributes. Data sub-attributes is also a JSON object:
eventType | Description | data | Note |
job.completed | A task is completed | {
"taskId": <request ID> “status”: <success|failure> } |
taskId is the rid that returned by the POST {host}/process API |
API 1: Create a webhook endpoint
Desc | Create a webhook endpoint |
Method + URI | POST {host}/webhook_endpoints |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | JSON object:
{ "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> } |
Response | JSON object:
{ "id": <endpoint ID>, "object": "webhook_endpoint", "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> } |
API 2: Retrieve a webhook endpoint
Desc | Retrieve a webhook endpoint |
Method + URI | GET {host}/webhook_endpoints/<endpoint ID> |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | |
Response | JSON object:
Response: { "id": <endpoint ID>, "object": "webhook_endpoint", "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> } |
API 3: List webhook endpoints
Desc | List webhook endpoints |
Method + URI | GET {host}/webhook_endpoints |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | |
Response | JSON object:
{ "count": <number of endpoints>, "endpoints": [ { "id": <endpoint ID>, "object": "webhook_endpoint", "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> }, ... ] } |
API 4: Update a webhook endpoint
Desc | Update a webhook endpoint |
Method + URI | POST {host}/webhook_endpoints/<endpoint ID> |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | JSON object:
{ "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> } |
Response | JSON object:
{ "id": <endpoint ID>, "object": "webhook_endpoint", "url": <endpoint URL>, "events": <array of events that would register with this endpoint> } |
API 5: Delete a webhook endpoint
Desc | Delete a webhook endpoint |
Method + URI | DELETE {host}/webhook_endpoints/<endpoint ID> |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | |
Response | JSON object:
{ "id": <endpoint ID>, "object": "webhook_endpoint", "deleted": true } |
API 1: Retrieve peSave urls
Desc | returns peSave urls for single person or multi person jobs |
Method + URI | GET {host}/pesave/getUrls/rid |
Header(s) | cookie:dmsess=<cookie-value-returned-from-authentication-api> |
Request | |
Response | JSON object for a MP job:
[ { "trackingId": "001", "modifiedVersionReadUrl": null, "modifiedVersionWriteUrl": "<URL>" }, { "trackingId": "002", "modifiedVersionReadUrl": null, "modifiedVersionWriteUrl": "<URL>" } ] |
Experimental Multi Person API
Multi person feature does not introduce any new api so far. However changes to the existing APIs are mentioned here:
Phase 1: Detect Characters for MP Job
Use the same /**process **restful api with a new parameter.
"url": <video upload url>
"processor": video2anim
"params": ["pipeline=mp_detection"]
No other parameters are required. Existing /**status **api is used to query the status and/or /**download **api to download the characters_detection_result.cdsave and person thumbnails (thumbnail_character_XXX.png) which represent the detected persons in the video and their thumbnails.
The returned rid from this api gets used next for MP job processing, so should be cached/saved in memory at the client side.
Phase 2: Process MP Job
Use the same /process restful api with a new argument for a new job (not required for a rerun).
and a new json input parameter **models (a json string) **in params object. Include some or all (up to 16) detected persons ids from the characters_detection_result.cdsave as value. The service will run the animation tracking process for those persons. Also associate a 3d model id from the library with each person’s detected id to represent the persons as animated 3d models in the output formats.
No need to set the old **model **param which is being used for single person mode only.
"rid_mp_detection": <previous MP detection job rid>
"params": ["models=[{trackingId:'001', modelId:'model_id'}, ...]", ...]
This is a regular MP job processing sample For a successful job, Existing download and list api response will contain two additional fields:
"mode": <0=single person or 1=multi person>
"models":[{trackingId:<value>, modelId:<value>, faceDataType:<value>, handDataType:<value>}, ...]
The returned rid from this api will be the same as the input rid_mp_detection argument.
Rerun will be the same as before. However, for MP jobs, /pesave/getUrls api will return an array containing peSaves for each character.
Downloading the relevant files for MP is similar to Single Person, just a character detection/tracking ID (in the format of _XXX) will be appended for every relevant file name.
Additionally, format wise all character/person files (like output bvh files of all characters are put in a single archive) are also available in the download api response.
"name": "all_characters",
"files": [
"fbx": "<URL>"
"bvh": "<URL>"
"glb": "<URL>"
"dmpe": "<URL>"
Error Code | Meaning |
201 | Error downloading the video or DM asset |
202 | Error converting the video |
503 | Error processing the parameters |
504 | Error loading the character assets |
505 | Physics Filter is incompatible with the custom characters |
506 | Error creating the pose estimation |
507 | Error while processing the body tracking |
508 | Input video or image doesn’t meet the requirements to generate animations of good quality |
509 | Error loading the configurations |
510 | Error open internal files |
511 | Processing interrupted |
513 | Failed to detect character in the video |
599 | Body tracking timeout |
701 | Error processing the face tracking |
799 | Face tracking timeout |
901 | Error loading the mesh of the custom character |
902 | Error loading the BVH custom character |
903 | Error copying animations onto the custom character |
904 | Error exporting animations for the custom character |
905 | Custom character doesn’t include skinned mesh information |
906 | More than half of the required blendshapes are missing |
907 | Error loading facial definition for the custom character |
908 | Error loading facial tracking data |
909 | Error loading the metadata of the custom character |
999 | Animation baking timeout |
1301 | Error creating the hand estimation |
1302 | Error creating the hand estimation |
1303 | Error creating the hand estimation |
1304 | Error opening the video |
1305 | Error parsing video path |
1306 | Error loading internal files |
1307 | Error processing hand tracking |
1308 | Error processing the video |
1399 | Hand tracking timeout |