Provides a script to easily download and display strings from the web.
The VRC Simple String Loader is available via the Creator Companion as a VPM package!
For Standalone Unity I still provide a Unity Package with every release.
- Loads Strings from the Web into the client
- Automatically load them when you enter the World
- Automatically redownload them after a certain amount of time
- Apply string to Text, Text Mesh Pro and Text Mesh Pro UGUI components
- Use a separate string while Loading
- Use a separate string if you encounter an error
Take a look at the example prefab! You can find it at the top of the Unity Window under Tools > Simple String Loader
- Add the Simple String Loader script to all gameobjects that you want to download strings for
- Provide all Simple String Loaders with a download URL
- Provide all Simple String Loaders with a Text, TextMeshPro and / or a TextMeshProUGUI component that the string should be applied to