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Raven Helm Charts

An opinionated set of packages specifically for GitOps enabled Kubernetes clusters, packaged via Helm charts.

This repository aims to provide the following:

  • Relatively standard and consistent Helm chart structure as far as reasonably possible.
  • A consistent containing a breakdown of possible arguments and architecture for each chart.
  • A consistent values.yaml for each chart that is familiar to many users but also self-consistent when breaking any convention that limits functionality.
  • Side-loadable secrets and configuration for each chart to make it easier to integrate with GitOps.

Please note this is still a work in progress as I am currently collating my various charts together into this one repository and integrating them nicely. This includes, for the sake of continued mantenance, integrating all charts into a common "corvid" base library chart. So that updates can be uniformly integrated with minimum repition.

Quick Start

To access any and all of these charts:

helm repo add raven
helm repo update raven

Then to view all available charts:

helm search repo raven

To see all possible versions of a chart:

helm search repo raven/home-assistant

For any particular chart please see their files in the charts directory.


Corvid is the base library chart for all other charts. This abstracts common boilerplate, and enables me to maintain significantly larger repository of charts long term.

There are a handful of charts here, which utilise the base chart:

  • backupd; a chart containing CRs for Volsync backups to streamline their provisioning
  • filebrowser; a http based file manager for administering files inside volumes*
  • foundryvtt; a http based virtual tabletop server
  • home-assistant; a home-assistant webserver for home automation*
  • jellyfin; a http based media server
  • ollama; a Gin / REST based LLM model server
  • OpenWebUI; a web based interface for LLMs
  • pgadmin4; a web based postgres admin interface
  • qbittorrent; a http based torrent client for Archlinux ISOs
  • renovate; a cronjob service to keep repositories up to date with latest releases
  • rook-wipe; a utility chart for wiping rook-ceph metadata and drive data on systems like talos linux

* Does not use Corvid (yet)

Deprecated Charts

These charts pre-dated corvid meaning they are a handful to migrate, and I no longer use them so they have been removed since I won't notice if there are issues in my own cluster post migration.

  • Grocy
  • MeTube
  • DDB-Proxy


Just another helm chart repository





