Devium is a real-time, interactive code editor that allows users to write, execute, and share code in up to 10 languages. It offers a free tier (1 language) and a Pro version (10 languages) with premium features. The platform supports Monaco Editor, Piston API for execution, real-time collaboration, and a user profile dashboard for tracking stats.
🔗 Live Site: Devium
📂 Source Code: GitHub
- 🖥️ Multi-Language Support – Execute code in up to 10 programming languages.
- 💾 Real-Time Database – Uses Convex for seamless data storage.
- 💡 Code Sharing & Collaboration – Users can share, star, and comment on code snippets.
- 📊 User Dashboard – View execution stats, most used languages, and total starred snippets.
- 🎨 Customizable Themes – Choose from different themes for a personalized coding experience.
- 💳 Subscription Model – Free tier (1 language), Pro version (10 languages) via LemonSqueezy payments.
- 🐳 Containerized with Docker – Ensures scalability and easy deployment.
- Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS
- Auth & Payments: Clerk, LemonSqueezy
- Database: Convex (real-time)
- Code Execution: Monaco Editor, Piston API
- Deployment: Docker
1️⃣ Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Devium
2️⃣ Configure environment variables:
touch .env.local
#setup .env.local file:
3️⃣ Run Docker Command:
#To start Devium
docker compose up --build -d
#if already built once
docker compose up -d
#To stop Devium
docker compose down
4️⃣ The app will be live at http://localhost:3000
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to fork the repo and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.