The Student Management System project is a web-based application built using
for the front-end andNodejs
for the back-end. This system aims to provide acomprehensive
solution for managing student information in schools, including personal records, academic performance, and extracurricular activities
Follow these steps to get the Student Management System project up and running on your device:
Clone the repository:
git clone
git clone
Admin view:
Student view:
Teacher view:
Officer view:
Easily manage student information, including personal details, contact information, change infomation and password.
Organize student and teacher by classes for better organization and tracking.
Easily manage teacher information, including personal details, contact information, arrange classes and assign teachers to each subject.
Teacher Management

Assigment Management
Student Tuition Management
Create tuition for all students in 1 class, easily track tuition status, support payment by QR code.
Admin View:

Officer View:

Student View:

Scoring System
Supports entering scores for 1 or more students in a class of a subject taught by that teacher, supports exporting and importing using excel files.
Teacher View:

Student View:

Subject Management
Easily manage subject information, including subject details.
Performance Tracking
Capture and analyze student performance data for evaluation purposes.
User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive and responsive user interface designed with the end-user in mind.
Dynamic Reporting
Generate dynamic and customizable reports to analyze various HR metrics, including student performance, student classification trends, ranking students, Compare student scores with the class average and Statistics on the number of excellent students over the years.
Regulations adjustment
Support creating school years, changing semesters, changing regulations including (age, behavior point, classification point, number of classes by grades).
This project is licensed under the MIT License.