Task 1: Diabetes Prediction Project
Overview This project focuses on predicting the likelihood of diabetes based on various health metrics using machine learning techniques. The goal is to create a model that can assist in identifying individuals at risk of diabetes, enabling early intervention and better management of health.
Task 2 : Breast Cancer Classification
Project Overview This project aims to classify breast cancer tumors as malignant or benign using features extracted from mammograms. The primary goal is to build and evaluate machine learning models to assist in the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.
Project Description Breast cancer classification involves analyzing mammogram features to predict whether a tumor is malignant or benign. The project utilizes several machine learning algorithms to achieve high classification accuracy.
Task 3 : Spam Email Detection
Project Overview The Spam Email Detection project aims to build a machine learning model to classify emails as spam or not spam (ham) based on their content. The goal is to create an accurate and efficient classifier that can help in filtering unwanted spam emails from legitimate messages.
Task 4 : Sentiment Analysis on Movie Reviews
Project Overview This project aims to perform sentiment analysis on a dataset of movie reviews to classify them as either positive or negative.