A program that lets you create particles and get all the values needed to import them into your gamemaker projects, if you put the ParticleCreate script in your project, importing particles will be even easier. Everything can be saved for later use, without the need of specific directories.
The entire project is open source for everyone to customize.
- Import the script (Tools > Import Local Package> select GPV_scripts.yymps in the tool's folder)
- In the object's create event create the particle system. This doesn't necessarily have to be in the same object and can be handled in any way you like, the script just needs to be able to access the variable holding it. The functions for this is variable = part_system_create();
- Click on the copy script button in GPV
- Paste the script in your code and save it to the type variable
- Save your .GPV file in your game's Included Files (can be accessed from the three lines button at the top-right in GMS2)
- Use the script loadParticleType and set the file's name (extension included) and assign it to a variable
And with this you're done, the particle is now saved and you can use emitters to get your particle up and running. For more information on emitters check: https://manual.yoyogames.com/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Particles/Particle_Emitters/Particle_Emitters.htm
More information about how particles work can be found in the link below, you'll still have to learn how particles work in order to use them to their true potential. https://manual.yoyogames.com/GameMaker_Language/GML_Reference/Drawing/Particles/Particles.htm
Execute Shell Simple by YellowAfterLife
nkrapivin's Discord RPC extension for Gamemaker
- Added an option to visualize the particle's direction limits.
- Updated setParticleType to be quicker to set up and use.
- Added a .yymps to import the script more easily.