A small wrapper for gamemaker that makes shaders faster to use, especially uniforms and their typical long function names and use of multiple events
Once you have imported the .yymps into your project using Shade is as simple as 3 lines.
if(!myShade) myShade = Shade(* shader asset *);
* draw *
This is the same as using shader_set() and then using shader_reset(), nothing much different. The cool part comes with uniforms!
Every Shade element stores a list of uniform ids, and you have full control on which are loaded with loadUni(* uniform name *)
to apply a value to an uniform, you then use applyUni(* uniform name *, * value *, [variable type])
myShade.applyUni("u_time", current_time, UniTypes.f);
is not necessary since applyUni()
will load the uniform id if it wasn't loeaded before, but you can use it if you want.
- f - float
- f_array - float array
- i - int
- i_array - int array
- matrix - transform matrix
- matrix_array - transform matrix array
Samplers / textures work the same way as uniforms, but instead use loadSampler(* sampler name *)
and applyTexture(* sampler name *, * texture *)
myShade.applyTexture("s_grass", sprite_get_texture(spr_grass,0) );