The Fluffies - This is a pony editor for creating your character and animating it in cartoon 3D graphics.
Here the source code of the website is stored in open source format, anyone can change the source code in compliance with the license. Any type of mentioning and improving the resources of the website is also allowed.
Website versions: Full website version (not working) - The Fluffies 2D (grapefruit) - The Fluffies 3D (huckleberry)
There is no guarantee that this domain will work, you can always make a locally launched project or we recommend starting the project from a repository fork on a free Vercel hosting
This method is the safest and fastest, but you can use other services and hosting.
To launch a website on Vercel, you need to follow these steps:
- Have a registered Github account
- Fork this repository
- Create a Vercel account by logging into it using Github
- Create a new Vercel website and with choosing a fork from Github
- Confirm all the website creation requirements (you can change the domain at this stage)
- You will be shown the
domain of your local website
fork, you can access it from any device
Our goal is to create a awesome cartoon pony character creation website with animations, no analogues at the moment, we are always developing the website for its novelty and coolness.
We are part of a brony fandom with a desire to do something cool for the whole world. We will also be glad for your help and attention to this project, the project has difficulties with this.
Created in the summer of 2018 with the idea of using animation right on the site and making it accessible to all by the editor, if you are interested in drawing, programming and other activities, tell me, Electrum18.
The project 3D version is based on the Next.js
Optimized for use on phones
and in non-network mode
For artists and designers, the direction of help exists in the form of creating concepts or designing something, if you have experience with 3D then you can create models and objects.
The project is publicly available on Github, but with a Creative Commons license, allowing you to modify and improve the code with your help, we only allow you to modify the original repository without creating servers.
When creating and publishing, copyright is respected, which consists in assigning content to the author, so that at any time, if the author wishes, this content can be removed during the next update, as well as, if possible, the author of the content is indicated.
- Electrum18
Project author, programmer, DevOps
The project is under license: MIT