I am a WEB Developer
from Russia.
- 🔭 I work and participate in front-end and back-end development for creating web applications.
- 🌱 Exploring Technical Content Writing.
- ⚡ In my free time I play different games and have fun.
- 📫 How to reach me: @akirula in Discord.
- 💻 I enjoy learning new technologies and improving my coding skills.
- 🎮 Favorite games: Content Warning, Ghost Exile, and many more.
- 🔭 I work and participate in front-end and back-end development for creating web applications.
- 🌱 Exploring Technical Content Writing.
- ⚡ In my free time I play different games and have fun.
- 📫 How to reach me: @akirula in Discord.
- 💻 I enjoy learning new technologies and improving my coding skills.
- 🎮 Favorite games: Content Warning, Ghost Exile, and many more.