- When the Kenyon College Writing Center moved online due to COVID, I created an automated sign-up and logging system for remote appointments. After the school returned to in-person learning, I added functionality for in-person appointments as well.
- Designed a spreadsheet with two displays: an interactive calendar where students could sign up for appointments, and a log of information about previous appointments
- Automated the process of logging appointments, emailing relevant parties, cancelling appointments, and substituting consultants for specific shifts using Google's Apps Script API
I applied logistic regression techniques to a 2017 live-caller opinion survey to explore belief in human-caused climate change among U.S. adults.
Using a dataset of all documented fatal police encounters from the year 2015, I compared nonparametric (distribution-free) statistical methods to their more common normality-assuming counterparts.
- I wrote my capstone paper for Kenyon College's Mathematics major on the linear algebra underlying waveform filters used in music production.