Simple web application to solve the problem proposed in the Aleph Engineers knowledge test.
Design Madded using React-styled plugin Front End handled with react and react-hokes Back End managed with firebase and API REST Functions Fully Responsive, Movil friendly
1- Clone this repo or download code 2- Go to gw-controll folder 3- Run "NPM install" within a terminal
- "NPM start" Run the App in development mode
- "NPM test" Run the App test Interface
1-To handle the authentication system of the web App it's been used Firebase-Auth. Taking advantages on it's hokes. 2-In order to manage the users access level it's been used Firebase-firestore to implement a simple user Rol interface. 3-To interact with the project as "Admin" use ( pass="gatewayControl*") This account it is needed to display all the GateWays information of all users.
The API madded for this test can it is a jason format based, and it can be consumed from + {Function method} + "/" + parameter if is required.
Gateways Methods
*newgateway --"creates a new GateWay under a specific user"; takes json data {UserUID "string",
Name "string, IPV4 "string} and awaits no parameters.Returns nothing.
*getgateway --"Gets the data from a single GateWay"; takes no data and awaits a gateway_id string parameter.
Returns {UserUID "string", Name "string", IPV4 "string"} in jason format.
*getgateways --"Gets a list of GateWays for the specific user"; takes no data and awaits a user_id string
parameter. Returns [{ID "string", Name "string", IPV4 "string"}] in json format.
*deletegateway --"Delete the specific GateWay"; takes no data and a awaits a gateway_id string parameter.
Return nothing.
*updategateway --"Updates the single GateWay data"; takes json data {Name "string", IPV4 "string"} and awaits
a gateway_id string parameter. Return nothing.
*getallgateways--"Gets a list with all the GateWays in de Data Base"; takes no data and awaits no parameter.
Return [{Id "string", UserUID "string", Name "string", IPV4 "string"}] in json format.
Peripheral Methods
*newPeripheral --"creates a new Peripheral under a specific GateWay"; takes json data {Vendor "string",
Status "string" } and awaits a gateway_id string parameters.Returns nothing.
*getperipheral --"Gets the data from a single Peripheral"; takes no data and awaits a gateway_id + "-" +
peripheral_id string parameter. Return {Vendor "string", CreateDate "string", Status "string"}
in json format.
*getperipherals --"Gets a list of peripherals for the given GateWay"; takes no data and awaits a gateway_id
string parameter. Return [{Id "string, Vendor "string", CreateDate "string", status}] in
json format.
*updateperipheral--"Updates the single peripheral data; takes json data {Vendor "string", Status "string"} and
awaits a gateway_id + "-" + peripheral_id string parameter. Return Nothing.
*deleteperipheral--"Deleted the specific peripheral"; takes no data and awaits a gateway_id + "-" +
peripheral_id string parameter. Return Nothing.
ANNOTATIONS It is recommended the use of Firebase Hokes for the backend system, instead an API REST jason like it is expected for the test development. Since it is a React front Web App there is no need of consuming an API. Firebase are simples, faster and with a improved security.
GateWay Operations
Each user can Add, Update or delete it's own Gateways. From the main page a list will be displayed showing only the GateWays under the user account.
Admins can and will display a list of all gateways and accessories
Pictures Handle
Users can upload images for a specific GateWay, as well as download the files via firebase storage.
Steel working in the test Area to fullfil the perquisites asking in the project test solution.