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The main objective of the project is to research and develop a functional software solution for e-commerce. Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020308


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evitaDB research project

The main objective of the project is to research and develop a functional software solution for e-commerce. Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020308

The partial aim of the project is to confirm the hypothesis that current traditional technologies are not suitable as a search engine for e-commerce solutions and then to develop a new solution that meets today's demanding requirements, especially in terms of search speed.

What's current status of evitaDB?

evitaDB is currently under active development. evitaDB is supported by the company FG Forrest, which specializes in the development of e-commerce stores for large clients in the Czech Republic and abroad. evitaDB concepts have been proven to work well in production systems with annual sales exceeding 50 million €.

Engineers from FG Forrest cooperate with academic team from University of Hradec Králové, so our statements about evitaDB performance are backed by thorough (and unbiased) testing and research. All proofs can be found in this repository, and you can run tests on your HW to verify our conclusions.

The performance tests are implemented using JMH and can be run using io.evitadb.BenchmarkRunner class. The tests working with real-world datasets expect data in folder named data in the root of the Git repository where this archive is unzipped).

The instructions for running tests are in separate document.

What's the license of the evitaDB

evitaDB is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1. Technically, it is not an open source license, but is an open source friendly license, because it automatically converts to one after a period of time specified in the license.

We're fans of open source, and we've benefited a lot from open source software (even the database engine uses some of it). The database implementation has taken thousands of man-days and, if successful, will take several thousand more. We were lucky to get an EU grant that partially funded the initial implementation, but we need to build a self-sustaining project in the long run. Our company uses evitaDB for its own commercial projects, so the development of the database is guaranteed, but without additional income the development would be limited. That's why we have chosen this type of license, but in the end we allow you - our users - almost any use.

In a nutshell:

  • the BSL license covers a period of 4 years from the date of the software release
  • 4 year old version of evitaDB becomes permissive Apache License, v.2
  • both BSL and Apache licenses allow you to use evitaDB for OSS and/or commercial projects free of charge
  • there is one exception - you may not offer and sell evitaDB as a service to third parties

That's it.

Read license FAQ

Research procedure

An API covering the required functionalities will be implemented on top of two general-purpose, freely available databases and compared with single "greenfield" solution.

All competing solutions will be populated using a data pump with real datasets (both from B2C and B2B environment) of existing FG Forrest clients, who gave their explicit consent to do so. The client data sets will not contain any personal data - it will represent only a "sale catalog".

Evaluation methodology

A single automated test suite will be implemented that will test all the basic scenarios from a real-life e-commerce solution. This suit will then be run against individual implementations in a laboratory environment and the results will be recorded.

The criteria for evaluating the best option are:

  • cumulative response speed in the test scenarios (weight 75%)
  • memory space consumption (weight 20%)
  • disk space consumption (weight 5%)

The cumulative response time to (at least) all subsequent search queries is measured:

  • category tree display (open to the current category) - menu rendering
  • category detail display (retrieving one full category entity) + product listing
  • product listing filterable by
    • parameters
    • brands
    • tags
    • prices
  • product ordering
    • by selected attribute
    • by price

The cache utilization is problematic in filtering scenario, because there are way too many combination the user can select. Moreover, the data are frequently changed due and the impact of these changes is hard to translate to cache record invalidation orders, because of the complex relations between them. The implementations can't thus rely on the caching layer when the tests are run and the performance is evaluated.

The final evaluation of the reseach is available here.

Expected record counts for performance tests


Our performance tests will run o datasets that will be similar to those:

Entity Fjallraven CZ Rako CZ Kili CZ
adjustedPricePolicy 2 2 3 1 110
brand 158 42 0 0 76
category 202 220 87 16 325
group 1190 20 7 1 265
parameterItem 19299 3477 1346 2044 2848
parameterType 255 558 32 48 39
paymentMethod 15 4 3 1 5
priceList 2 3 6 4 7044
product 64628 50852 31144 3587 26567
shippingMethod 3 15 6 1 52


	<dt>entity: adjustedPricePolicy</dt>
	<dd>price policy (discounts, special programs and so on)</dd>
	<dt>entity: brand</dt>
	<dd>brand (such as: Nokia, Samsung and so on)</dd>
	<dt>entity: category</dt>
	<dd>product category (such as: TV, Notebook and so on)</dd>
	<dt>entity: group</dt>
	<dd>product groups (such as: action ware, new items on stock and so on)</dd>
	<dt>entity: parameterType</dt>
	<dd>parameter facet group detail data (such as: color, size, resolution)</dd>
	<dt>entity: parameterItem</dt>
	<dd>parameter facet detail data (such as: blue, yellow, XXL, fullHD)</dd>
	<dt>entity: paymentMethod</dt>
	<dd>form of paying on the site (such as: by credit card, direct transfer and so on)</dd>
	<dt>entity: priceList</dt>
	<dd>entity aggregating prices of product sharing common trait (such as: VIP, sellout)</dd>
	<dt>entity: product</dt>
	<dd>entity that is being sold on the site</dd>
	<dt>entity: shippingMethod</dt>
	<dd>form of delivery of the goods (such as: DPD, PPL, Postal service and so on)</dd>

The final datasets were reduced only to, and new dataset was added. The record cardinalities in some of those datasets were enlarged considerably (see evaluation results here).

Connected data cardinalities:

Type of data Fjallraven CZ Rako CZ Kili CZ
price 68522 59018 193680 15885 1594502
associated data 479246 326205 209694 23535 298963
localized texts 258798 353597 88913 94803 102855
attributes 1351227 924281 574488 66820 572674
facets 876080 802583 334008 144161 466160

Localized texts are part of associated data, they are counted separately, to get grip how big part they play in associated data set. Localized texts are not counted in the associated data row.

The final datasets were reduced only to, and new dataset was added. The record cardinalities in some of those datasets were enlarged considerably (see evaluation results here).

Validation set

In the initial phase the university teams will select one general-purpose relational database and one NoSQL database. The criterion for selecting a database machine is:

  • the license to run the e-commerce platform must be free of charge
  • the database resource must have good documentation
  • the database is expected to be further developed or supported in the next 5 to 10 years
  • it can run on Linux OS (ideally Ubuntu distribution)

Recommended technologies to start investigation are (the selected set is not complete and can be extended by another database engine):

The selection process is described in appendix A of the associated thesis. The PostgreSQL was selected as the platform for prototype implementation on top of relational database.

The selection process is described in appendix A of the associated thesis. The Elasticsearch was selected as the platform for prototype implementation on top of relational database.

Custom "greenfield" solution

The solution will be designed as an in-memory NoSQL database optimized to run on a single machine. The cluster mode will be designed as single writer, multiple reader replicas with the same dataset, which will be updated using an event stream from the primary source of truth.

The solution will be based on the assumption that the entire search index can be stored in RAM. Information that is not used for retrieval but only for display to the user may or may not be stored in memory (we consider the use of a memory mapped file).

The data will be stored in memory as a sorted array of numeric primary identifiers of entities (products, categories, tags, etc.) over which Boolean AND, OR, NOT operations will be performed, and then GROUP BY and SUM operations in the pricing area. All operations will be performed in a so-called "lazy" manner, which promises better performance in moments when complete results do not need to be computed (e.g. for the purpose of displaying the category tree). Optimized data structures such as inverted index or interval tree or range tree will be used for specific search operations.

The API and implementation will be designed so that as many related operations as possible are computed within a single request using common intermediate results. The client will not have to compose the functionality with a large number of database engine calls (in current solutions it is common, that dozens of calls to a generic database engine are needed to display category details with product listing).

Developing solutions for practical applicability

Based on the measurements, the best implementation option is selected and refined to production quality, which requires extensive and clear documentation, coverage of automated unit, integration and performance tests.

The goal is:

  • to prepare HTTP APIs for communication with the outside world using commonly used formats:
  • containerization of the distribution package (using Docker)
  • extending the implementation to a clustered solution (required on all major e-commerce sites)
  • publishing source files on generally accepted hosting platforms (GitHub, Gitlab or BitBucket)
  • API documentation
  • implementation of a sample e-commerce solution on top of this API with a basic dataset in JavaScript / Node.JS

Data model

See more detailed schema API describing data model manipulation.

Minimal entity definition consists of: Entity type and Primary key (even this is optional and may be automatically generated by the database). Other entity data is purely optional and may not be used at all.

This combination is covered by interface evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/ Full entity with data, references, attributes and associated data is represented by interface evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

Schema for entity is described by: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/

Entity type

String type of entity. Entity type is main business key (equivalent to a table name in relational database) - all data of entities with same type are stored in separated index. Within the entity type the entity is uniquely represented by primary key.

Entity is described by its schema: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/

Although evitaDB requires schema for each entity type, it supports automatic evolution when you allow it. If you don't specify otherwise, evitaDB learns about entity attributes, their data types and all necessary relations along the way when you insert new data to it. Once the attribute, associated data or other contours of the entity is known, they are enforced by the evitaDB, however. This mechanism somehow resembles the schema-less approach, but results in much more consistent data store.

The details about schema definition are part of different document.

Primary key

Unique int positive number (max. 263-1) representing the entity. Can be used for fast lookup for entity (entities). Primary key must be unique within the same entity type.

May be left empty if it should be automatically generated by the database. The primary key allows evitaDB to decide whether the entity should be inserted as new or existing entity should be updated instead.

Hierarchical placement

Entities may be organized in hierarchical fashion. That means that entity may refer to single parent entity and may be referred by multiple child entities. Hierarchy is always composed of entities of same type.

Each entity must be part of at most single hierarchy (tree).

Hierarchy placement is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

Most of the e-commerce system organize their products in hierarchical category system. The categories are source for the catalog menus and when user examines the category content he/she usually sees products in entire category subtree of the category. That's why hierarchies are directly supported by evitaDB.

Attributes (unique, filterable, sortable, localized)

The entity attributes allow defining set of data that are fetched in bulk along with the entity body. The attribute may be marked as filterable to enable filtering by it, or sortable to be sorted by. The attributes are not automatically searchable / sortable in order not to waste precious memory space and save computational overhead for maintaining and an index for the data that will never be used in queries.

Attributes must be used for all data you want to filter or sort by. Attributes are recommended to be used also for frequently used data that are associated with the entity (for example "name". "perex", "main motive") even if you don't necessarily need it for querying purposes.

The attribute provider (entity or reference) is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

The attribute schema is described by: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/

Allowed decimal places

The allowed decimal places setting represent optimization that allows converting rich numeric types (such as BigDecimal used for precise number representation) to primitive int type that is much more compact and can be used for fast binary search in array/bitset representation. The original rich format is still present in an attribute container, but internally database uses the primitive form when an attribute is part of filtering or sorting constraints.

When number cannot be converted to a compact form (for example it has more digits in the fractional part than expected), exception is thrown and entity update is rejected.

Localized attributes

An attribute may contain localized values. It means that different values should be used for filtering / sorting and should be returned along with entity when certain locale is used in the search query. Localized attributes are standard part of most of the e-commerce systems, and that's why evitaDB provides special treatment for those.

Data types in attributes

Attributes allow using variety of data types and their arrays. Database support all basic types, date-time types and evita_common/src/main/java/io/evitadb/dataType/ types. Range values are allow using special type of search query filtering constraint - InRange.

This filtering constraint allows filtering entities that are inside the range bounds. For more information see InRange documentation.

Any of the supported data type might be wrapped into an array - that means that attribute might represent multiple values at once. Such attribute cannot be used for sorting, but can be used for filtering, where it fulfills the filtering constraint when any of the values in array match the constraint predicate. This is particularly useful for ranges where you can for example simply define multiple periods of validity and the InRange constraint will match all the entities having at least one period enveloping the input date and time (this is another frequently present use-case in e-commerce systems).

See chapter about all supported data types for more information.

Associated data

Associated data carry additional data entries that are never used for filtering / sorting but may be needed to be fetched along with entity in order to display data to the target consumer (i.e. an user / API / bot). Associated data allow storing all basic data types and also complex, document like types.

The complex data type is used for rich objects, such as Java POJOs and automatically converted by to an internal representation that is composed solely of supported data types (or another complex objects) and can be deserialized back to the client custom POJO on demand providing the POJO structure matches the original document format.

AssociatedData provider (entity) is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

Associated data schema is described by: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/

The search query must contain specific requirement to fetch the associated data along with the entity. Associated data are stored and fetched separately by their name.

Localized associated data

Associated data value may contain localized values. It means that different values should be returned along with entity when certain locale is used in the search query. Localized data are standard part of most of the e-commerce systems, and that's why evitaDB provides special treatment for those.


The references, as the name suggest, refer to other entities (of the same or different entity type). The references allow entity filtering by the attributes defined on the reference relation or the attributes of the referenced entities. The references enable statistics computation if facet index is enabled for this referenced entity type. The reference is uniquely represented by int positive number (max. 263-1) and String entity type and can represent facet that is part of one or multiple facet groups, which are also identified by int. The reference identifier in one entity is unique and belongs to single group id. Among multiple entities the reference to same referenced entity may be part of different groups.

The referenced entity type may relate to another entity managed by evitaDB, or it may refer to any external entity possessing unique int key as its identifier. We expect that evitaDB will maintain data only partially, and that it will co-exist with other systems in one runtime - such as content management systems, warehouse systems, ERPs and so on.

The references may carry additional key-value data linked to this entity relation (fe. item count present on the relation to a stock). The data on references is subject to the same rules as entity attributes.

Reference is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/ Reference schema is described by: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/


Prices are specific to a very few entity types (usually products, shipping methods and so on), but because correct price computation is very complex and important part of the e-commerce systems and highly affects performance of the entities filtering and sorting, they deserve first class support in entity model. It is pretty common in B2B systems a single product has assigned dozens of prices for the different customers.

Price provider is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/ Single price is represented by the interface: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

Price schema is part of main entity schema: evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/schema/

For detail information about price for sale computation see this article.

Entity indexing

See more detailed entity API describing entity manipulation.

The entity indexing is a mechanism that stores entity data into the persistent storage and prepares the data for searching. We distinguish two types of this mechanism:

Bulk indexing

Bulk indexing is used for rapid indexing of large quantities of source data. It's used for initial catalog setup from external (primary) data store. It doesn't need to support transactions. Whenever something goes wrong, the work in progress might be thrown away entirely without affecting any clients (because it's initial DB setup, no client is reading from it yet). The goal here is to index hundreds or thousands entities per second.

Bulk indexation is executed in single-threaded fashion.

Incremental indexing

Incremental indexing is used for keeping index up-to-date during its lifetime. We expect some form of change data capture process is incorporated in the primary data store. Incremental indexing must support transactions at least with the read commited isolation level. Initial implementation may relax the concurrency and limit parallelism so that only single write transaction may be open at a time. Multiple parallel read transactions must be supported in the final implementation since the beginning and simultaneous read/write transactions must be supported as well.

Rolled back transaction must not affect the working data set. Committed transaction must leave data set in consistent state and must be resistant to unexpected process termination or hardware failure (committed data should enforce fsync to persistent disk storage).

Incremental indexing should be as fast as possible, but since there are bigger requirements it is expected to be considerably slower than bulk indexation.

Data fetching

Only primary keys of the entities are returned to the query result by default. Each entity in this simplest case is represented by evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/ interface.

Client application can request returning entity bodies instead, but this must be explicitly requested by using specific require constraint:

When such a require constraint is used, data are fetched greedily during initial query. Response object will then contain entities in the form of evita_api/src/main/java/io/evitadb/api/data/

Lazy fetching (enrichment)

Attributes, associated data and prices can be fetched separately by providing primary key of the entity. Initial entity loaded by entity fetch or by limited set of requirements can be lazily expanded (enriched) with additional data by so-called lazy loading.

This process loads above-mentioned data separately and adds them to the entity object anytime after it was initially fetched from evitaDB. Due to immutability characteristics enforced by database design, the entity object enrichment leads to a new instance.

Lazy fetching may not be necessary for frontend designed using MVC architecture, where all requirements for the page are known prior to rendering. But different architectures might fetch thinner entity forms and later discover that they need more data in it. While this approach is not optimal performance-wise, it might make the life for developers easier, and it's much more optimal to just enrich existing query (using lookup by primary key and fetching only missing data) instead of re-fetching entire entity again.

Query requirements

See more detailed query API and query language in separate chapters.

The querying is the hearth of each database, and therefore the core of the query language was designed upfront the prototype implementation phase along with the unified functional test suite. When the first versions of the prototype implementations were created, the functional suite accompanied also performance test suite, first for artificial data set and later for real customer data sets.

This chapter briefly describes the use-cases the e-commerce catalog frequently solve and which we try to cover in our query language and the API.


We need to fully support basic boolean algebra (AND, OR, NOT) with parentheses grouping logic that supports predicates:

  • numeric: equals, greater than, lesser than, between, in range
  • temporal: equals, greater than, lesser than, between, in range
  • string: contains, starts with, ends with
  • boolean: is null, is not null
Localized search

The items in the multi-language catalogs often have only limited set of localizations (translations). The search engine must easily filter only those items that are available in selected locale. Let's assume that specific brand is referred by items with following localizations:

  • Product A: EN, CZ, IT
  • Product B: EN, DE, FR
  • Product C: EN, CZ, PL

When the query lists all items referring to that brand and specifies the locale equal to EN, all items needs to be returned, while using locale equal to CZ lists only items Product A and Product B.

Parameters (faceted search)

Faceted search is commonly used on all major e-commerce sites. Facets represent properties of items in certain area that are significant for customers to pick correct item to buy. Faceted search could be usually found on category drill down view, specific group pages or fulltext search result page.

According to some studies - properly implemented faceted search (sometimes called as parametrized search) can increase conversions of the e-commerce sites by 20%. Each product can have multiple parameters in the form of key-value map. Values might represent:

  • discrete constants (for example color:black, size:XXL, OS:Android) visualized as checkboxes or selects
  • or numeric values that are spread out in some range and can be visualized as a slider with min and max boundaries

Parameters - facets are organized and grouped to facet groups by their similarity (color, size, operation system). When user enters the category page (or other item listing view) he/she should see only facets (facet groups) that have sense in that category. In other words - the only facets visible in the filter are those that are linked to (referenced by) at least one item visible in the view (ignoring pagination settings).

For better customer orientation how certain facet narrows the item listing e-commerce sites display the number of the items that have certain property next to it - see example (numbers in brackets):

Faceted search on

Even better approach is to reflect the currently selected filter in the faceted filter itself. Additional facets that would return no result if selected are displayed as disabled (see grayed properties with zero brackets in above example).

See description of the facet summary object for better understanding.

Interval properties

E-commerce filters contain not only facets but also sliders that allow user to search for items having attribute in certain value range. For example when you buy refrigerator you are usually constrained by the space at your disposal, and you need to set limits for width, depth and height of the refrigerator.


Faceted search on

Search engine must:

  • return thresholds for each interval property (stored as entity attribute):
    • highest value of the property in the item view
    • lowest value of the property in the item view
  • optionally: compute histogram of describing attribute values computed from the items in this view (i.e. threshold with count of items having this property in respective histogram interval)

See histogram object for better understanding.

Inverted relations

Facets in the same facet group are usually combined by boolean OR (disjunction) relation, facets in different groups are combined by boolean AND (conjunction) relation. These relations might be inverted in some edge cases and the database must support definition of inverted relations among facet groups and the facets within certain group.

Negative properties

Some facets might have negative meaning - so that if user marks them, he/she expects that listing will contain only items that don’t have such property (as an example consider facet allergen:gluten which will cause that all items containing gluten will be removed from the listing).

When facet with negative meaning (defined on property group) is selected in the filter, search engine must:

  • all items having such property will be EXCLUDED from the result
  • predicted numbers of selected records are properly computed upfront
Impact statistics

Facets that would further expand count of the matching items (if selected) display difference count with the plus sign, or the updated overall result count next to them. See example below (numbers in brackets):

Extended facet statistics on

When any facet filtering is applied in passed database query, search engine must:

  • return extended statistics computed for all other facets that contains information about:
    • how many items are added to result if facet would be added to filtering
    • how many items are removed from result if facet would be added to filtering
    • how many items remain in the result if facet would be added to filtering
  • correctly apply OR / AND / NOT relations defined by property groups


The search engine can search for products whose price for sale falls within the price range specified by the user. The price for sale must respect selected currency, price date/time validity range and relates to one of the price list identifiers available to the user. All this information is part of the input query.

For master products, the lowest price of any product variant is used. For complete sets, dual behaviour must be supported:

  • if a price is set directly for a set, count with this price
  • if not, the most preferred price for each item of such a set must be added up and the resulting amount calculated

Exact and detailed price for sale computation algorithm is described in separate chapter.

Price histogram

Optionally, we would like to be able to generate a histogram of prices similar to interval properties.

Brands / groups

E-commerce sites have special landing pages for brands / manufacturers or groups. These landing pages behave similar to category detail page and display all items directly related to the brand / group. The search engine must be able to compute facets and all other information for all entities that relate (have reference to) specified external entity.

The number of products of a given brand in the categories

The search engine needs to look up for all hierarchy placements (categories) where at least one product of that brand is (directly or transitively) located for any of the brand or group. The detail of the brand frequently lists all categories of products the brand produces.


Tags behave in the same way as described in the faceted search chapter. The search engine must be able to return a list of labels that are used in any currently visible product in the selected category and subcategories.

Fulltext search

The solution should allow to easily combine full-text search with parametrized (faceted search). The fulltext search may not be implemented initially, but should offer a mechanism for integration external fulltext system.

Hierarchical search and tree exclusion

Categories are usually organized in hierarchical fashion. Single product may be listed in one or more categories. E-commerce sites usually display all products in specific category or its subcategories. Certain categories might be excluded from the displaying by the site owner or might be accessible only to a subset of the frontend users (by design). The search engine should take all these requirements into an account and should transparently exclude all items that are part only of the excluded category subtree.

The search engine should assist in menu generation from hierarchical tree in realtime, listing only those hierarchical entities (categories) that:

  • match basic attribute predicate: for example are marked as visible, are valid for display at certain moment in time etc.
  • contain at least one visible product in any child level, the product must:
    • match independent attribute query
    • match requested locale
    • produce price for sale

For each of returned entity (category) the search engine must:

  • compute the overall count of all items available at this entity (category)
    • items that have an invisible parent (category that doesn't match its own predicate) must not be counted
    • a single item (product) may relate to more than one hierarchical parent (category), the fact that a product is not counted in one category axis must not affect the other visibility axis
    • counts of lower level nodes are automatically counted in the overall count of their parent category
  • produce result in a tree-like structure friendly for rendering

Product sorting

The search engine must be able to sort results by:

  • attribute: for example number of stars, number of sales
  • multiple attributes: there are special cases where one attribute contains less selective values and another attribute is required for predictable search results
  • price for sale: cheapest, most expensive
Personalized sorting

As part of the research, it would be useful to look at the possibilities of personalized sorting, which would allow a user to be presented with the results that are likely to be of interest to them first, based on their previous experience with that user (i.e., based on their previous purchases or visits).

For this purpose, it will probably be necessary to use one of the "shallow" artificial intelligence (machine learning) algorithms and construct a personalised search index in such a way that the search is not slowed down.

This functionality is not critical to the evaluation of the winning approach - it is an add-on functionality that no existing database currently includes as part of its functionality. However, we know that global trends are moving in this direction.


The main objective of the project is to research and develop a functional software solution for e-commerce. Registration number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020308








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