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REST-API code for task 2, 3 and 4 of the 2024 Field Robot Event.


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International Field Robot Event

Hochschule Osnabrueck

OpenAPI Python 3.11 FastAPI License: GPL v3

⚠ API changed to version 2!
Look at the changelog for information.


REST-API code for task 2, 3 and 4 of the 2024 Field Robot Event.

REST Communication and Interface

Tasks 2, 3 and 4 require data exchange with a central benchmark and validation server (BVS). The BVS will provide a REST API and its definition will be published as an OpenAPI ( definition in May. A test BVS will be up and running by midst of May. For the communication, the organizing team will provide an access point which has to be fixed on the field robot, e.g. by Velcro band. The field robot has to send its data via ethernet cable to the access point, no additional WLAN is required by the teams.


To interact with a running instance of the API the OpenAPI description is provided here.
For description on how to interact with the API and examples using curl look here.

After starting the API stack the following general endpoints are available:

Address Service
API base address http://localhost:8000/fre2024/
Swagger UI http://localhost:8000/fre2024/docs
OpenAPI Description http://localhost:8000/fre2024/openapi.json
WebUI Task 2 http://localhost:3000/task2
WebUI Task 3 http://localhost:3000/task3


  • Docker with compose plugin

Build the API

Before the API can be used the containers have to be build first. To build the containers issue the following command in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml:

docker compose --env-file=dev.env build

Note: To build the containers the first time an connection to the internet is required.

Starting the API

To start the API the following command needs to be issued in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml:

docker compose --env-file=<env_file> up -d --wait

There are three pre-supplied env files available:

  • demo.env - Starts the API in demo mode (only user endpoints)
  • dev.env - Fully starts API with pre-configured settings (user and admin endpoints)
  • competition.env - Boilerplate for own configuration (see here)

Note: For just testing the API use demo.env the dev.env is meant for development.

Stopping the API

To simply stop the services while keeping the database data the following command can be issued in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml:

docker compose --env-file=<env_file> down

To also remove the database data run the command with the -v flag:

docker compose --env-file=<env_file> down -v

Beware: Using the -v flag will clear the database and all by doing so delete all data for the groups.

Configuring the API for the competition


To configure for competition the following entries in the competition.env have to be populated with the data for the competition.

  • All entries are expected to be JSON formatted.
  • Currently unused TASK entries can be set as empty arrays.
  • ADMIN_API_KEY and FRE_POSTGRES_PASSWD have to be set before first run or the stack will fail to start.

Group entries:

A group entry consists of a name and an API-Key. The following rules apply:

  • Group name must be unique and should not contain special characters aside of space.
  • The api-key should be unique and consist only of characters (upper and lower case) and numbers.
  • The api-key should be at least 21 characters long.
        "name": <name of the first group>,
        "api-key": <api key for the first group>
        "name": <name of the second group>,
        "api-key": <api key for the second group>
        "name": <name of the nth group>,
        "api-key": <api key for the nth group>

Task 2 solution

For task 2 solutions following rules apply:

  • row_number starts at 1.
  • plant_count should be positive or 0.
  • must be keep secret.
        "row_number": 1,
        "plant_count": <plant count first row>
        "row_number": 2,
        "plant_count": <plant count second row>
        "row_number": <n>, 
        "plant_count": <plant count nth row>

Task 3 solution

For task 3 solutions following rules apply:

  • x and y are in metre.
  • must be keep secret.
        "x": <x float value first point>,
        "y": <y float value first point>
        "x": <x float value second point>,
        "y": <y float value second point>
        "x": <x float value nth point>,
        "y": <y float value nth point>

Task 4 positions

For task 3 solutions following rules apply:

  • x and y are in metre.
        "x": <x float value first point>,
        "y": <y float value first point>
        "x": <x float value second point>,
        "y": <y float value second point>
        "x": <x float value nth point>,
        "y": <y float value nth point>

Admin API key

For the admin API key the following rules apply:

  • Must consist only of characters (upper and lower case) and numbers.
  • Should be at least 21 characters long.
  • Must be keep secret.

Postgres key

For the postgres key the following rules apply:

  • Must consist only of characters (upper and lower case) and numbers.
  • Should be at least 21 characters long.
FRE_POSTGRES_PASSWD=<Postgres database key>

Starting the for competition

After configuring the the stack can be started by running the following command in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml:

docker compose --env-file=competition.env up -d --wait

If the competition.env is changed afterwards the stack has to be recreated by running the start command again.

Beware: The Posgres key can not be changed once it has been set. To recover from an faulty postgres key the stack has to be stopped using the -v flag, clearing the entire database, and then restarted using the upper start command



Backup database

To create an backup of the database run the following command in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml:

docker compose --env-file=<env_file> exec postgres pg_dump -d fre -f /backups/fre.sql

Use the same env file you used to start the server. The backup will be an SQL database dump called fre.sql in the backups folder.

Note 1: Because the fre.sql file is created by the container you might have to claim ownership of the file depending on your filesystem.

Note 2: Calling the backup function multiple times will override the previous backup.


For debugging purposes the logs of the for the containers can be printed out using:

docker compose --env-file=<env_file> logs <service_name>

Currently available service names are:

  • api
  • postgres
  • webui


REST-API code for task 2, 3 and 4 of the 2024 Field Robot Event.







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