YourHR is a web application that allows users to manage their profiles, including personal details, educational background, work experience, projects, skills, achievements, and resume uploads. Built with Next.js for the frontend and a Node.js/Express backend,
this project provides a complete user management system with secure authentication using JSON Web Token (JWT), profile editing, and file handling functionalities.
User Registration and Authentication:
Sign-Up: Users can create an account by entering their username, password, and personal details.
Login: Secure login using JWT for session management.
Password Hashing: Passwords are hashed with bcrypt for security.
Token-Based Authentication: JWT tokens are used to ensure secure access to protected routes.
Profile Management
User Profile Creation: Users can input and save their personal details, educational background, work experience, projects, skills, and achievements.
Profile Update: Users can update their profile information and upload new resumes.
Resume Upload and Management: Upload resumes in PDF or Word format with secure storage.
Secure File Handling
File Validation: Ensures that only permitted file types are uploaded.
File Size Limitation: Limits the size of uploaded files to 5MB.
File Storage Security: Securely manages file storage to prevent unauthorized access.
API Integration
RESTful API: Provides endpoints for user registration, login, profile updates, and file uploads.
Data Exchange: Uses JSON for communication between frontend and backend.
Error Handling: Handles various response statuses and errors gracefully.
- Frontend: Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- File Handling: Multer for file uploads
- Environment Management: dotenv for environment variables
Ensure you have the following installed:
Node.js (v14 or later)
MongoDB (Local or Atlas)
git clone
Navigate to the BackEnd Directory:
cd YourHR/backEnd
Install dependencies
npm install
Set Environment Variables:
Create a ".env" file in the backend directory and add the following:
Start the BackEnd server
node index.js
Navigate to the Front End Directory:
cd YourHR/frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Set Environment Variables:
Create a .env file in the frontend directory and add the following:
Run the Application
npm run dev
This project is built by J.Gaurav Varma.