This Ransomware musn't be used to harm/threat/hurt other person's computer. It's purpose is only to share knowledge and awareness about Malware/Cryptography/Operating Systems/Programming. This ransomware made for learning and awareness about security/cryptography.
Dashlane, a password manager that has advertised its "military-grade encryption," explains what this term means on its blog. According to Dashlane, military-grade encryption means AES-256 encryption. That's the Advanced Encryption Standard with a 256-bit key size.
As Dashlane's blog points out, AES-256 is "the first publicly accessible and open cipher approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) to protect information at a "Top Secret" level."
AES-256 differs from AES-128 and AES-192 by having a larger key size. That means a bit more processing power used for performing the encryption and decryption, but all that extra work should make AES-256 even harder to crack.
- Windows 10 | Tested | Compiled
- Pycharm
- Python 3.10
- from tkinter import *
- from PIL import ImageTk, Image
- import tkinter as tk
- import tkinter
- import os
- import sys
- import webbrowser
- import pyAesCrypt
- pip install auto-py-to-exe
- auto-py-to-exe
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