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[ENG] Trophy Manager

Gorzon38 edited this page Oct 16, 2021 · 5 revisions

Sommaire :

Introduction :

I will show you how to add trophy with my mod.
Only trophy with a number.

First of all :

First you will need to create a mod normally. You need to add the assembly TrophyManager.dll. In Info.json add the next line :

   "Requirements": ["TrophyManager"],
   "LoadAfter": ["TrophyManager"]

For the image, his size need to be 86x86. For the one when the trophy is done put "m_" before his name. If you don't know to put for image when the trophy is done, you can use this.

Adding a trophy :

First you need to create a variable in the Main class like this :

static Trophy Trophy1;

In the Load method you will assign the trophy

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", 10, "Description", ImagePath, ImagePathDone);

"Name" : the name of the trophy (required)
10 : the objective for checking if the trophy is done(required)
"Description" : The description (optional)
ImagePath : the path of the image of the trophy (optional)
ImagePathDone : the path of the image when the trophy is done (optional)

Other variant :

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", 10);

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", 10, "Description");

Trophy1 = new Trophy(10, "Name",  ImagePath);

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", ImagePathDone, 10);

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", 10, "Description", ImagePath);

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", "Description", ImagePathDone, 10);

Trophy1 = new Trophy("Name", ImagePath, 10, ImagePathDone);

After adding it you need to set in your OnUpdate method the following line :


ProgressionValue : the progression of the trophy.
I recommend you to use a variable in the Settings class.

Trophy manager :

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